Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Person wearing a black track suit holds sign saying "All 3 assault charges dropped" appears in front of a trans flag background.

Wadsworth, OH – On October 23 and 24, dozens of people organized themselves to “phone zap” the county court and prosecutors of Wadsworth to demand that all bogus charges against Leif Autzen be dropped. They called the office non-stop to voice their anger. Within 48 hours of the beginning of the zap, all felony charges against Autzen were dropped and he no longer faced jail time.


By staff

National March to Protect Trans Youth in Orlando, Florida. | Fight Back! News/staff

Orlando, FL – Hundreds of people converged on Orlando City Hall on October 7, for the National March to Protect Trans Youth. Organizers from all over the country – including states as far as California, Louisiana, Montana and Connecticut – gathered to oppose Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ attacks on LGBTQ people.


By Elijah Lieberman

Rally in Tallahassee to defend trans rights. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tallahassee, FL – On Wednesday, October 4, 25 students gathered at the steps of the Florida State University (FSU) Student Union to kick off FSU’s Pride Month and demand FSU defend the rights of transgender students. Students chanted “No hatred! No discrimination! What do we need? Trans liberation!” and “Racist, sexist, anti-gay! Ron DeSantis, go away!”


By staff

Madison, WI protest demands Dane County drop anti-trans health care provider. | Fight Back! News/staff

Madison, WI – On Saturday, September 23, activists and allies from the Trans Resistance Action Committee (TRAC) demonstrated outside the Capitol building in Madison to demand that Dane County drop the Dean Health insurance plan.


By staff

Orlando, FL – On September 11, Orlando for Gender Equality mobilized for the Orlando city council meeting as part of their campaign to demand a guarantee of lowest possible enforcement for the anti-trans bathroom law passed by the state legislature earlier this year. The new law criminalizes transgender people for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender, with punishments including a $1000 fine or imprisonment for up to a year. This mobilization comes after a recent protest, hosted by OGE, against DeSantis’ hateful agenda of anti-trans sentiment and infringement on democratic rights.


By staff

Protester condemns Landry in front of KLFY studio. | Fight Back! News/Lucas Harrell

Lafayette, LA – On September 15, over 30 protesters from all across southern Louisiana gathered outside the state’s second governor’s debate. While the night’s debate gathered the race’s top seven candidates to discuss policy, the demonstrators came to make one thing clear: Republican frontrunner Jeff Landry and his attacks would not be tolerated.


By staff

Orlando activists fight for trans bathroom access. | Fight Back! News/staff

Orlando, FL – Activists and community members gathered outside of the Orange County courthouse in Orlando on September 1 to protest the agenda of Governor Ron DeSantis, in the wake of his recent attacks on the democratic rights. The community came together to show their support for transgender rights, and to protest the bigotry of DeSantis and the political climate he has orchestrated.


By Jacob Muldoon

Progressive organizations meet in Orlando, discuss plans to resist attacks from

Orlando, FL – On Saturday, August 19, a panel of progressive organizations organized by Las Semillas was held at the Orange County Public Library. The purpose of this panel was for progressive organizations to network, present the work they are doing in their communities, and have a discussion about pressing political issues. All of these activities contribute to the goal of building a united front against the DeSantis administration and the deterioration of material conditions, especially for the working class of Central Florida. “Florida’s on fire in more ways than one, so we’re glad to be in concert with anyone trying to put the pieces together,” stated the social media post promoting the event.


By staff

Chrisley Carpio of the Tampa 5 speaks against attacks on trans people in Florida

Milwaukee, WI – Nearly 30 protesters with the Coalition to March on the RNC 2024 massed outside the Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee on the evening of August 22 to protest Riley Gaines, a former collegiate swimmer turned right-wing anti-trans personality. Protesters chanted “Transphobic, anti-gay, Riley Gaines, go away!” “Can’t swim Riley” and “Sore loser Riley” as they picketed outside the hotel. They carried a large banner that read “Stop trans genocide” and received a great deal of support from passing cars and people walking by.


By staff

Protest against against Moms for Liberty and the John Birch Society in Appleton,

Appleton, WI – On Monday, August 14, activists from the organization Hate Free Outagamie (HFO) demonstrated outside of the Freedom Project Academy to show their opposition to a talk being given by reactionary ideologue Dr. James “Duke” Pesta.