Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Quest Riggs

Southern Solidarity at work.

New Orleans, LA – Community members and workers have come together to provide basic emergency relief to thousands of houseless people in New Orleans. After coronavirus locked down the city, they organized a group called Southern Solidarity. The organization works to make up for city officials’ failures in providing food, water and supplies to houseless people.


By staff

NYC online event on tenants rights.

New York, NY – On April 9, organizers from New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) hosted an live stream about tenant rights and organizing under COVID-19.


By Jessica Schwartz

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New York, NY – Due to the rising unemployment rate, New Yorkers are struggling financially. Some measures have been taken to help homeowners, as well as those going through eviction proceedings. An indefinite moratorium has been placed on evictions, and Governor Andrew Cuomo enacted a 90-day suspension on mortgages. The governor has even gone on to say that through these actions, he has “taken care of the rent issue.”


By staff

Portland, OR – The Portland Rent Freeze Coalition, made up of concerned people and progressive organizations, disrupted a COVID-19 response press conference on March 17 here in Portland to demand that all rent payments due during the statewide shutdown be cancelled.


By staff

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The Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) recently joined the Fairway Oaks community in a struggle against environmental racism.


By Jessica Schwartz

NYC hunger strikers protest mass evictions and gentrification.

New York, NY – On Feb. 11, a group of over 100 people gathered in front of the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) for a vigil in support of hunger strikers, who were among those hit by a mass eviction carried out by landlord Joseph Betesh.


By staff

Jersey City, NJ – A group of Jersey City educators and workers got together, March 22, to discuss the ongoing threats facing working-class men, women and their families due to the onslaught of gentrification threatening to rip apart the social fabric of New Jersey’s second largest city, Jersey City.


By linden

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St. Paul, MN – A Minnesota state senate committee, on Feb. 27, acted favorably on a bill that expands welfare to people who, under current law, don’t qualify for any cash assistance. The Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) created the bill to Give Aid to All in Need – the GAAIN bill.


By Adam Gann

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Houston, TX – In Sunnyside, a predominantly African American neighborhood in southeast Houston, a local slumlord has taken action against his tenants at Crestmont Village Apartments, evicting them and turning off their power. For years, the landlord did not take care of the apartment units and so the apartments have become infested with cockroaches and mold, posing health risks. Instead of maintaining the apartments, the slumlord is closing them and trying to kick out all the tenants.


By staff

LA protesters against gentrification take over 1st and Soto Street

Los Angeles, CA – Marching and chanting, “Vecinos unidos, jamas seran vencidos!” (Neighbors, united, will never be defeated), over 50 community members, families and activists gathered outside of five Boyle Heights homes, Sept. 9, to fight back against displacement and gentrification. Boyle Heights families have been suffering displacement and evictions for many years. The community is also surrounded by freeways, rail yards and factories which cause pollution.