Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Masao Suzuki

Unemployment insurance claims stop falling

San José, CA – In six weeks, tens of millions of unemployed people face the end of the additional $600 a week in unemployment insurance benefits. This additional benefit that helps low income workers the most is set to expire due to its being opposed by the Republican-controlled Senate. These same workers were hardest hit by the pandemic recession, and many face the prospect of their jobs not coming back. This is just another example of how the economic relief has helped large corporations, which can aided by the Federal Reserve, while low-income workers are subject to punishment by republicans who see the aid as discouraging people from returning to work.


By staff

Andy Brooks, New Communist Party of Britain addresses 20th international meeting

Fight Back! interviewed Andy Brooks, General Secretary of the New Communist Party of Britain, on the impact of the pandemic in Britain. Fight Back!: How are the working people of Britain being impacted by the pandemic?


By staff

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Chicago, IL – Protesters demand the mass exoneration of everyone tortured and framed by Chicago cop Reynaldo Guevara. It was one of the three demonstrations that took place in Chicago, June 13. Cites across the U.S. participated in the National Day of Action to Stop Police Crimes called by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #ImmigrantRights #WomensMovement #LGBTQ #Healthcare #PeoplesStruggles #HousingStruggles #PoliceBrutality #EnvironmentalJustice #Antiracism #Antifascism #NationalAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression #FreeThemAll

By staff

Milwaukee joins National Day of Protest against police crimes.

Milwaukee, WI – At noon on June 13, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression joined with Youth Rising Up (YRU), a student organization from North Division High School in Milwaukee’s notorious 53206 zip code, to host a march and rally. The demonstration was in response to the National Alliance’s call for a day of action around community control of the police and justice for victims of police killing.


By Masao Suzuki

Initial wave of layoffs ebbs even as new job cuts grow

San José, CA – On Thursday, May 28, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that there were 2.1 million new claims for state unemployment insurance in the previous week ending May 23. This was down from 2.4 million new claims the week before, showing that the wave of layoffs from the pandemic and efforts to control it is going down. At the same time this is still more than ten times the pre-recession level and brings the total number of new applications to 40 million in the last ten weeks.


By staff

Workers and Communist Parties Against Blockades and Imperialist Wars

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following appeal that was initiated by the German Communist Party (DKP), Communist Party Of Peoples Of Spain (CPPS), and the Communist Party Of Venezuela (CPV). Freedom Road Socialist Organization is among the signers.


By staff

FRSO Political Secretary Steff Yorek.

Minneapolis, MN – Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization Steff Yorek stated on May 26, “The United States has just reached a grim milestone, 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 with no end in sight, earning this country the dubious distinction of edging into the top ten for deaths per person, with 30.46 deaths per 100,000.”


By staff

Activists organizing call-in to respond

Milwaukee COVID-19 testing site closure leaves Black community with few options

Milwaukee, WI – On May 7, Wisconsin governor Tony Evers declared a COVID-19 testing plan that would focus on reaching all Blacks, Latinos and indigenous people in Wisconsin. The sites would be administered by and staffed by members of the Wisconsin National Guard. The significance of these sites was that individuals would be able to receive testing regardless of symptoms, healthcare or appointment.


By Fabiana Casas

Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy (IJLA) response to COVID-19 Chicago

Chicago, IL – Instituto Justice and Leadership Academy (IJLA) is a small two-floor building that rests on the corner of Western and Blue Island Avenues in Pilsen, Chicago. At first glance you would notice the mural that decorates the wall – women of color with fists in the air, “La Lucha Sigue.” You might ask yourself, “Is this a school?” and the first answer is: yes. Though, the more accurate answer is: “It’s a home, a safe haven.”


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

National Alliance calls for National Day of Protest:  May 3Oth

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.