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Jacksonville protests for the incarcerated impacted by COVID-19

By staff

Car Caravan calls for for a mass release of Duval County inmates. Car Caravan calls for for a mass release of Duval County inmates. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Jacksonville, FL – Around three dozen cars joined a Jacksonville Community Action Committee (JCAC) protest on Friday evening, April 24, calling for a mass release of Duval County inmates in the overpopulated Duval County jail. Along with the JCAC, the New Florida Majority, Dignity Florida, Northside Coalition of Jacksonville along with other organizations and community supporters came out Friday evening for a caravan protest to demand that Melissa Nelson and Sheriff Mike Williams #FreeThemAll. The protesters taped signs to their vehicles that demanded the release of prisoners, to avoid the Duval County Jail becoming a death trap during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The protesters demanded: release all nonviolent offenders and the wrongfully incarcerated; constant testing of inmates and staff in the Duval County Jail; release of all inmates with compromised immune systems and those over the age of 60; release of the steps taken by Jacksonville Sheriff's Office to make sure sanitation of facilities is constantly taking place.

Protesters honked their horns and played protest tunes such as Fight the Power as the cars circled around Duval County Jail numerous times.

“Those locked up are subject to the most inhumane conditions and its impossible for them to practice safe social distancing incarcerated,” said Neal Jefferson, activist with the Jacksonville Community Action Committee. “The state attorney and Sheriff Williams should hear our demands and free them all.”

#JacksonvilleFL #OppressedNationalities #Healthcare #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #JacksonvilleSheriffsOffice #JacksonvilleCommunityActionCommitteeJCAC #COVID19

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