Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Dallas, TX – As of Thursday evening, August 31, most gas stations in the greater Dallas area are out of gasoline. Those that still have fuel are charging as much as triple the usual price.


By staff

Newark protest against high gas prices

Newark, NJ – The People's Organization for Progress held a protest at the busy Bergen Street and South Orange Avenue intersection, April 16. The call for the demo was “Gas Prices Are too Damn High!” It was a small rally but one of the noisiest ever. “If you think gas prices are too high,” said POP Chairman Lawrence Hamm over the bullhorn, “honk your horn!” Beep! Beep! Be-beep!

#NewarkNJ #US #PeoplesStruggles #Protest #gasPrices #economy #peoplesOrganizationForProgress

By Adam Price

Republicans Respond with Tax Cuts for Rich

San Jose, CA – When the price of gasoline spiked above $3 per gallon, Republicans responded by proposing a $100 rebate. This was widely condemned as a public relations stunt at best and an insult at worst as working families are weighed down by high gas prices, rising interest rates and cuts in pensions and health care. But you don’t hear complaints about the Republicans coming from the rich.


By Adam Price

San Jose, CA – The price of gasoline has risen 65% from only one year ago, topping $3 dollars a gallon in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. This has forced many working families to cut back on spending or go deeper in to debt. The big energy companies and the corporate media have been blaming this year’s spike in gasoline prices, and the spike in heating bills to come, on hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which have shut down much of the gasoline refining and natural gas infrastructure along the coasts of Texas and Louisiana. However, just as the disaster that took place in Louisiana and Mississippi was as much manmade as an act of nature, so too is the rise in energy prices.