Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Pro-Palestine students stage occupation at Cal Poly Humboldt.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Fight Back! recently interviewed Fern McBride and Rick Toledo. Both are pro-Palestine activists and SDS members that played important roles in supporting the occupation and the historic resistance at Cal Poly Humboldt, in Arcata, California. What started as sit-on on April 22 escalated into outrageous repression that was, however, met with determined resistance. On May 28, some of the activists had their first court appearance.

Fight Back!: Could you say a few words about how the occupation at Cal Poly Humboldt came about?


By staff

Cal Poly Humboldt students occupy campus building for Palestine.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Fight Back! is circulating this alert from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. We urge all our readers to call the Humboldt County district attorney when the office opens on Tuesday, May 28.

Call the prosecutors May 28

On May 28, the Cal Poly Humboldt pro-Palestine protesters – who are students, faculty and community members – have their first arraignment court appearance in Eureka, CA. Each of the 30 protesters is being charged with 4 misdemeanors and thus are each facing up to 4 years in prison just for standing with Palestine and saying no to genocide. It was the police and the university who were the aggressors that day. We have a First Amendment right to free speech and protest that must be protected.


By staff

Pro-Palestine students face off with cops at Cal Poly Humboldt. | Fight Back! News/staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from SDS Humboldt and Occupy Cal Poly Humboldt

On April 27th, 2024, Cal Poly Humboldt students, with the mediation of faculty, have reached out to administration in hopes of reengaging negotiations. Students have collectively decided they will vacate Siemens Hall if their demands are agreed to. These are as follows: