Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

“Dump Trump, Say No to the Republican Agenda”

Minneapolis, MN – The Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC announced today, May 1, plans for a major protest In Cleveland, Ohio, on July 18, the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC).


By Raymond Franklin

Youth arrested while protesting the KKK at Stone Mountain GA

Anti Klan protester Josh Taft

Savannah, GA – Anti-racist activists are demanding charges be dropped against Joshua Taft, arrested while protesting the Klu Klux Klan. On April 23, over 400 anti-racist activists descended upon Stone Mountain, Georgia to protest about a dozen white supremacists and Klan members.


By Chrisley Carpio

SDS members and others march against the KKK at Stone Mountain, GA

Stone Mountain, GA – More than 400 youth, students, and anti-racist activists protested a “white power” rally by 12 members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and Southern Heritage in Stone Mountain Park, Georgia on April 23. The anti-racist protesters marched into Stone Mountain Park chanting as they prepared to confront the police. They successfully closed down the park and forced the cancellation of the “white power” concert originally scheduled for that night.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)


By staff

Hundreds march on Trump in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee, WI – About 400 students and community members gathered to protest Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outside the Peck School of the Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 3, where inside Fox News was hosting a live town hall event with the candidate.


By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds have converged downtown, weaving through police barricades, to get within blocks of a Republican Town Hall featuring Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – On March 26, organizers from across Milwaukee and southeastern Wisconsin gathered to prepare the protest against the upcoming March 29 Town Hall meeting featuring Donald Trump and other GOP candidates.


By Dalek Pretorius

Thousands rally against Trump in Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City, UT – 2500 people gathered to protest a Trump rally in Salt Lake City on Friday night, March 19. The University of Utah Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the Dump Trump rally. Protesters began to gather at the Salt Lake City and County Building at 6:00 p.m. What began as a crowd of a few dozen swelled to hundreds, then thousands.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago students march on Trump.

Chicago, IL – The announcement of Donald Trump’s visit to the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) came one week before his scheduled, March 11 appearance. Within minutes, there was a Facebook page announcing plans to protest. There was also a petition calling on the administration at UIC to cancel the rally.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Donald Trump is bringing his hate tour to the West Side of Chicago this Friday, March 11, with an evening rally at the campus of the University of Illinois (UIC).