Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Organizers with RJAM host a press conference outside City Hall.

Milwaukee, WI – On July 11, Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee (RJAM) held a press conference in front of Milwaukee City Hall concerning the recent updates to the lawsuit being pursued by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul against the 1849 state statute 940.04. This lawsuit was launched by Kaul on June 28, 2022, in response to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision and came in the wake of mass protests across the state.


By staff

Organizers with Reproductive Justice Action - Milwaukee canvassed over 1000 home

Milwaukee, WI – On April 4, activists with Reproductive Justice Action – Milwaukee (RJAM) celebrated the end of the Wisconsin spring election. Many organizations poured energy into the extremely important State Supreme Court election, which had reproductive rights, workers' rights, and fair electoral maps taking center stage. RJAM focused on getting voters to the polls by encouraging Milwaukee people to vote in favor of an advisory referendum, polling Milwaukee County’s opinion on overturning the state's 1849 abortion ban.


By Filip Freund

Protest in Tampa, FL against law banning abortions after 6 weeks.

Tampa FL – On April 8, dozens of community members gathered to protest the six-week abortion ban recently passed in the state government. Led by the Tampa Bay Community Action Committee (TBCAC) the people of Tampa spoke out against the abortion ban and the repression happening across the state of Florida.


By Paris Miller

Marching for reproductive rights in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of October 2, Freedom Road Socialist Organization – Wisconsin held a demonstration to protest Texas’ abortion ban. This was held in collaboration with the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racial and Political Repression and Students for a Democratic Society, and with coordination from a couple of individual organizers. The demonstration consisted of a march through downtown from Planned Parenthood to the Milwaukee office of Senator Ron Johnson, a noted reactionary and proponent of the same ideas encompassed by the Texas law. Once outside Senator Johnson’s office, organizers transitioned into a rally with guest speakers.


By Kim DeFranco

Thousands march for reproductive rights in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – The Women’s March organized a rally and march as a part the National Day of Action on October 2 to protest the anti-abortion law passed in Texas in June. Up to 10,000 people of all genders gathered at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden holding signs and banners expressing their outrage over the Texas law SB 8.


By staff

Texas protest against attacks on women's right to chose.

Arlington, TX – On September 1, the Progressive Student Union rallied 50 people to protest the recent attacks launched by Governor Greg Abbott and the GOP against women’s rights, and democracy. The most egregious of these attacks came in the form of an anti-abortion bill that sought to restrict the access to abortion in Texas to only the first six weeks of pregnancy, and made it a liable offense to offer aid in a woman getting an abortion in any way if it was beyond the first six weeks.


By staff

Austin protest against attacks on reproductive rights of women.

Austin, TX – Around 100 people rallied at the Texas State Capitol on September 1 to protest against the statewide abortion ban that went into effect that same day. Texas abortion clinics have been forced to stop taking appointments in order to avoid what could be thousands of lawsuits against them. The new law especially affects low-income and working-class women who don’t have the resources to take time off work, since the ban forces women in Texas to drive an average of 248 miles one way to access an abortion clinic out of state.


By Sarah Buchner

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Asheville, NC – On Aug. 8, protesters gathered in downtown here, to rally for an end to the attacks against women and against abortion restrictions in North Carolina. The event was organized by WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend).