Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Fight Back! Editors

For the last three to four years, the U.S. government has gone an historic bout of austerity, by raising taxes and cutting spending. This has contributed to a weak economic recovery, with workers still facing an official unemployment rate of 6.7%, which would be even higher if millions of unemployed had not given up looking for work. At the same time corporate profits have boomed to record highs.


By staff

Washington, DC – House Speaker John Boehner came out today, March 19, against the Senate measure to restore unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless. In a statement issued by his press office, Boehner stated he was “open” to an unemployment insurance extension, but that it must be “fiscally-responsible” and help “to create more private-sector jobs.” He then stated, “There is no evidence that the bill being rammed through the Senate by Leader Reid meets that test.”


By staff

Washington, DC – In a surprise move, Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL) announced here today, March 11, that he would undertake a rarely used procedure in an attempt to force a House vote on Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC). According to a press statement, Schneider will file a discharge petition on March 12, which would force a vote on benefits for the long-term jobless if a majority of House members sign it.


By Tracy Molm

Welfare Rights Committee demands MN lawmakers “Raise the welfare grants now.”

St. Paul, MN – On Feb. 25, Minnesota politicians returned to the State Capitol for the opening of the legislative session and the Welfare Rights Committee and their supporters were there. Over 50 low-income people joined together, despite below-zero temperatures, to send a message to legislators: “Raise the welfare grants. 28 years is too long!”


By staff

New York, NY – Hundreds of UPS drivers and warehouse workers walked off the job, Feb. 26, at the Queens hub in New York City.


By staff

Joe Iosbaker speaking in support of faculty strike at the University of Illinoi

Chicago, IL – 1100 faculty members at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) went on strike, Feb. 18, to demand a fair contract. Several rallies drew 500 strikers and their supporters to the middle of campus.


By Dustin Ponder

The recent defeat of the UAW at the Chattanooga, Tennessee Volkswagen plant marked a serious setback for the working class, the auto-workers of the Tennessee plant, as well as hundreds of thousands of rank-and-file autoworkers within in the UAW. Workers at the plant voted against representation by a narrow margin of 712 to 626. A victory for labor would have marked the unionization of the first foreign auto plant in the U.S. and one of only a handful of unionized plants in the South. As the growth and survival of the U.S. labor movement in general, and the UAW in particular, depends in part on unionizing the largely unorganized South, union militants and rank-and-file activists need to draw key lessons from this defeat and augment our tactics and strategies.


By David Hungerford

Newark Airport workers demand justice.

Newark, NJ – Workers and supporters of SEIU Local 32BJ held a rally at Newark Airport, Feb. 11, to demand pay equity for all airport workers of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. A spirited crowd turned up in Terminal C to present demands. Workers from JFK and LaGuardia airports came to support Newark workers.


By Masao Suzuki

Jobless hit by end to Extended Unemployment Compensation (EUC)

San José, CA – For the second month in a row, the Department of Labor employment report was weak, with only 113,000 new jobs created in January. Combined with the revised 75,000 jobs created in December, the two month average was only 94,000 new jobs each month, less than half the average increase in 2013 of more than 190,000. While the recession officially ended in the summer of 2009, there are still 850,000 fewer jobs than when the recession began in December of 2007.


By staff

Washington, DC – The Senate Democratic leadership announced today, Feb. 4, that a vote to extend benefits for long term unemployed workers is scheduled for Feb. 6.