Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

June 14 protest against Governor Walker's budget

Madison, WI – In his latest attempt at smashing unions, derailing public education and further punishing the working class for the economic crisis, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker called together an ‘Extraordinary Session,’ June 14, so that right-wing legislators can ram through his proposed two-year budget. The new budget will slash funding for public education, make large cuts to social services and local governments and pave the way for more privatization.


By Cheryl LaBash

_Labor defends dockworkers’ solidarity with Wisconsin struggle _

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.


By Dave Welsh

_Dockworkers shut down ports of Oakland and San Francisco for 24 hours _

Oakland, CA – The power of workers to bring production to a halt was on dramatic display April 4, when longshore workers of ILWU Local 10 shut down the ports of Oakland and San Francisco for 24 hours, in solidarity with the heroic struggles in Wisconsin.


By staff

Tom Burke of Committee to Stop FBI Repression speaking at Milwaukee rally

Milwaukee – 150 people protested here, March 19, to demand an end to the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan.


By staff

Photo ofMarch 14 protest at UWN.

Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds rallied at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), March 14, as protests continue against Governor Scott Walker's anti-union, anti-people attacks. The rally was the third mass action taken at the university in recent weeks and included speeches by student, community and union leaders.


By staff

Crowd of 150,000 people in Madison March 12.

Madison, WI – As of 3:00 p.m. today, March 12, the number of protesters at the state capitol here has swelled to more than 150,000. Senators who had left Wisconsin in an attempt to block Governor Walker’s union-busting legislations returned to an enthusiastic welcome.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization salutes the workers, students and community participants in the March 12 protest in Madison, Wisconsin. Everyone filling the streets around the state capitol is sending a clear message to the rich and powerful – we will not sit back in silence while our right to collectively bargain is taken away. The moment has arrived to stand up and do whatever it takes to defend our unions, our standard of living, and our future.


By staff

Protest in Madison

Madison, WI – Massive protests are expected here, March 12. Tens of thousands of workers, students and community members are expected to converge on the state capitol Saturday afternoon. Buses have been chartered from across the state.


By staff

Madison, WI – After weeks of intense struggle across Wisconsin, on March 10 the state assembly has passed the union-busting bill pushed by Governor Scott Walker and the Republican Party. The assembly voted 53-42 in favor of the bill, which is expected to be signed into law by Governor Walker shortly.


By staff

Hallway outside Assembly where protesters were dragged out

Madison, WI – As Republicans made use of a parliamentary maneuver to ram through major sections of their anti-union legislation, thousands stormed the Capitol last night, March 9, and hundreds remained overnight.