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Protesters confront Governor Walker’s anti-people budget

By staff

June 14 protest against Governor Walker's budget

Madison, WI – In his latest attempt at smashing unions, derailing public education and further punishing the working class for the economic crisis, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker called together an ‘Extraordinary Session,’ June 14, so that right-wing legislators can ram through his proposed two-year budget. The new budget will slash funding for public education, make large cuts to social services and local governments and pave the way for more privatization.

The budget was prepared to include the notorious anti-collective bargaining components that protesters brought to a halt last spring. With unusual speed, the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned a court-issued injunction that prevented the law from going in to law – just before the Extraordinary Session began. Lawyers have other grounds to challenge the law, which may keep it tied up for some time.

Threatened with layoffs, cuts, losing their unions, paying increased costs for health care and pensions, provisions such as private school voucher systems and requiring local areas to use private contractors for some public works projects, protesters are again flooding the streets of Madison in protest. The people of Wisconsin know this budget must be stopped.

While protests are ongoing, including a ‘Walkerville’ tent city outside the Capitol that anyone may join, the next large protest will be at noon on June 16 on Capitol Square. Another rally will be held at 5:30 p.m. the same day by the State Street entrance.

'Walkerville' at Wisconsin State Capitol

#MadisonWI #BudgetCuts #CollectiveBargaining #GovernorScottWalker #Wisconsin #WisconsinProtest #Walkerville

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