Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Welfare Rights Committee protest at Minnesota State Capitol, April 6

St. Paul, MN – Members of the Twin Cities based Welfare Rights Committee showed up at the Minnesota State Capitol, April 6, picketing the session of the Minnesota House of Representatives. Kim DeFranco of the Welfare Rights Committee said the purpose of the action was to “put poor bashing politicians on notice that low income people will fight them every step of the way.”


By staff

St. Paul, MN – Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all.


By staff

Beat Back the Republican Attacks

St Paul, MN – Protesters will assemble at the Minnesota State Capitol Building, at 12 noon, Jan. 4 to say no to attacks on programs that serve poor and working people. Organized by the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout, the action will coincide with the opening of the Minnesota State legislature.


By staff

Cop tries to prevent Deb Konechne from leading chants at governor debate

Minneapolis, MN – As the candidates for governor were preparing to debate inside the Pantages Theater here Sept. 15, about 30 members of the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout, including folks from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee and the Welfare Rights Committee were on the street out front.


By staff

St Paul, MN – On July 8, members of the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) gathered outside the Ramsey County welfare office, holding signs and passing out fliers urging people to hold the candidates for office, especially the governor’s office, accountable to the poor, unemployed and homeless.


By staff

Panelists at USSF workshop “Building the people’s struggle"

Detroit, MI – Angel Buechner, of the Minnesota-based Welfare Rights Committee, spoke at the U.S Social Forum, June 24, at the workshop “Building the people’s struggle.” Other speakers at the workshop included leaders of the Labor Community Strategy Center and Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

#DetroitMI #PoorPeoplesMovements #WelfareRightsCommittee #USSF #USSocialForum

By linden

Protesters chanting Hey Pawlenty! Here’s the fix: Undo your cuts. Tax the rich!

St. Paul, MN – “You need a permit to do that,” the cops told the group of women writing last-minute posters outside Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s office, May 17. The posters were in preparation for the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout event on the last day of the Minnesota legislative session.


By Welfare Rights Committee

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Twin Cities based Welfare Rights Committee.


By staff

“Pawlenty thought he was a king. Now he is just pathetic.”

Linden Gawboy speaking out for a moratorium on home foreclosures.

Fight Back! interviewed Linden Gawboy, a leader of the Welfare Rights Committee and the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout on the implications of the May 5 Minnesota Supreme Court decision limiting Governor Pawlenty’s power of unallotment. Gawboy has been involved with fighting for low-income people at the Minnesota state legislature for over 15 years.


By Jess Sundin

School kids protest at Pawlenty's office.

Minneapolis, MN – We have a social safety net that is nearly gone, and the politicians are stealing the last crumbs from the tables of our state's poorest families. Not only do they ignore our kids when they cut the budget, they try to hide the fact that children make up the majority of impoverished people in this country.