Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Al parecer, el candidato para la presidencia elegido por el Partido Republicano, será el intolerante multi-millonario Donald Trump. En muchos sentidos, Trump representa todo lo que está mal con este país. Es un incansable promotor de ataques racistas contra inmigrantes y musulmanes, al igual que un misógino que defiende la opresión de la mujer. Al mismo tiempo es un predicador de la avaricia disfrazado como aliado de los trabajadores. Es un populista de derecha que solo posee una característica positiva, y es que, a menos que ocurra un cambio inesperado, es un candidato inelegible.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

As things stand, billionaire and bigot Donald Trump will be the Republican standard bearer for the presidency. In many ways he is a symbol of everything that is wrong with this country. He is a tireless promoter of racist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attacks. He is a misogynist, who defends the oppression of women. Trump spreads the gospel of ‘greed is good’ while pretending to be a friend of the working person. He is a right-wing populist with only one redeeming feature – that, barring some big change, he is unelectable.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Say No to the City’s Attacks on Free Speech!

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following July 1 statement from Students for a Democratic Society.


By staff

200 protest outside Trump fundraiser in Houston, TX.

Houston, TX – On June 17 over 200 activists and community leaders protested Donald Trump in River Oaks, a wealthy area. Trump was holding a campaign fundraiser at the home of the right-wing lawyer Tony Buzbee. Supporters who attended the fundraiser paid $5000 dollars to have their photo taken with Trump, and as much as $250,000 to spend an evening with the Republican nominee.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston, TX – On June 17, Donald Trump will be holding a fundraiser in Houston to raise money for his campaign of racism, hatred and fear. The event will be held at the home of Tony Buzbee, a notoriously right wing lawyer who represented criminals like Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas. Buzbee's home is located in River Oaks, the most bourgeois neighborhood in town that houses the richest capitalists of Houston. Trump is charging $5000 for people to have their photo taken with him, and over $250,000 to spend an evening with him.


By Brad Sigal

Immigrants rights activists protest in front of Minnesota Republican Party headq

Minneapolis, MN – Immigrant rights activists marched from the office of democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar to the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters May 25 to protest a new wave of immigration raids and deportations targeting Central American mothers and children in May and June. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee as part of the No More Deportations campaign.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Leaders of the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC, which is organizing a major protest on July 18, the first day of the Republican National Convention (RNC), is condemning the City of Cleveland’s May 25 announcement of restrictive regulations and a “parade route” that’s designed to curtail protests at the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Student and Graduate Activists (SAGA) at University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC), a group that formed after Trump decided to chicken out of his speaking event at the UIC Pavilion due to widespread protest, is endorsing the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC.


By staff

Students and community chanting; about to march on the gymnasium.

Los Angeles, CA – On May 5, students and community members protested the visit of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton spoke to supporters on the East Los Angeles College (ELAC) campus Thursday afternoon. 500 protesters demanding she leave the campus marched on the gymnasium where she spoke.


By staff

Carlos Montes

Los Angeles, CA – The Legalization for All Network (L4A Network) announced its support today, May 7, for the Dump Trump protest that will take place on the opening day of the Cleveland Republican National Convention, July 18. The Legalization for All Network is national network of immigrant rights organizations that fights against discrimination and advocates legalization for all undocumented people in the U.S.