Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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President Trump is a right-wing reactionary and dangerous fool to boot. He promotes an agenda of racism, inequality and discrimination. He puts kids in cages and then laughs about it. From Palestine to the Philippines he has shown himself to be an enemy of the peoples of the world, including those of us who live in the United States. Trump’s talk about “America First” is chauvinist trash, a banner under which to enrich the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. The trash needs to be taken out, as soon as possible, and this November at the latest.


By Chris Mahin

The huge procession began with 400 members of Bricklayers Union No. 6, all dressed in white aprons. They were followed by a band and then the members of the Manufacturing Jewelers union. The jewelers marched four abreast, wearing derby hats and dark suits with buttonhole bouquets. They all carried canes resting on their shoulders (similar to the way infantry officers carry swords when on parade.)


By staff

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Anyone doubting the relevance of Harry Haywood’s writings in 2020 hasn’t paid much attention to political events this year.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili.

On what would have been the 76th birthday of Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, Freedom Road Socialist Organization joins in paying tribute to this great revolutionary and fighter for the liberation of the Philippines. Every communist can learn from his example and from his many contributions to the international communist movement. His passing is a cause for sadness among all of us who are working to end exploitation and oppression.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili.

On what would have been the 76th birthday of Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, Freedom Road Socialist Organization joins in paying tribute to this great revolutionary and fighter for the liberation of the Philippines. Every communist can learn from his example and from his many contributions to the international communist movement. His passing is a cause for sadness among all of us who are working to end exploitation and oppression.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – While Joe Biden shelters himself from COVID-19 and the movement for Black lives in Milwaukee, the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be in the streets. Regardless of whether Biden comes to Milwaukee or not, the Democrats will hear from the people on the front lines fighting police crimes, especially the families who have lost loved ones to killer cops.


By mick

Ka Fidel Agcaoili (right) of the NDFP with Mick Kelly, FRSO

To: National Democratic Front of the Philippines From: Freedom Road Socialist Organization On the passing of Ka Fidel Agcaoili


By staff

Oscar Lopez Rivera

In response to the call for birthday greetings for political prisoner Simon Trinidad, The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera received a video message from freed Puerto Rican political prisoner, Oscar Lopez Rivera. Lopez Rivera unjustly spent 35 years in U.S. prison for fighting for the independence of his homeland. Below is the transcription of the video message: