Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – On March 1, a dozen people rallied outside the Federal building in downtown Tucson to protest the recent U.S. airstrikes in Syria by the Biden administration. The crowd received honks of solidarity, and held signs that reading, “U.S. Hands Off Syria! U.S. out of Iraq! U.S. out of the Middle East!”


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – As the state of Arizona reached the highest rate in the world of daily confirmed COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people, hundreds of Arizona educators prepared a sick-out to demand two weeks of virtual learning. In the Chandler School District, the educator’s union’s consistent organizing efforts achieved big wins.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – As COVID-19 rates and deaths continue to rise in Arizona, as many as 750 educators in the districts of Chandler, Dysart, Peoria and Deer Valley are planning a sick-out to resist the order to return to in-person instruction.


By staff

Tucson, AZ – At 11 a.m. on August 26, undercover Tucson police officers set up a drug deal with a 17-year-old suspected of armed robberies. After the deal, the young Chicano, identified by the Tucson Police Department as Simon Pancho, realized it was a sting operation and attempted to run. Within four seconds he was hit with two bullets and died as medical help arrived.


By staff

Heard on video saying ‘I can’t breathe’ before death

Carlos Adrian Ingram-Lopez.

Tucson, AZ – On April 21, Tucson police officers responded to a call from the grandmother of Carlos Adrian Ingram-Lopez saying he was out of control. Within ten minutes upon arrival, Ingram-Lopez lay lifeless on their garage floor, naked, handcuffed and covered in layers of plastic police blankets. The autopsy report has ruled the manner of death as “undetermined” but that the cause of death as “sudden cardiac arrest in the setting of acute cocaine intoxication and physical restraint.” The autopsy also shared that it was reported that officers applied a spit hood.


By Jim Byrne

Asarco strike hits six-month mark

Tucson, AZ -Despite the closure of the physical presence of picket lines due to COVID-19, the eight unions representing nearly 2000 workers on strike at five Asarco facilities in Texas and Arizona remain “One day longer, one day stronger” against the abusive global copper giant.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – The nearly 2000 workers represented by eight unions at Asarco mining operations will soon reach Day 100 of their strike. This comes as a result of years of Asarco failing to offer a new contract, raise wages, or even negotiate. That is why back in October, these unions filed for an Unfair Labor Practice strike on the copper corporation.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona Asarco strikers.

Tucson, AZ – As one of the country’s longest running strikes continues into week 13, educators from Arizona’s RedForEd movement brought food donations to the picket line. The eight unions serving nearly 2000 workers at five Asarco copper mining operations have created a tradition at the Pima Mine: Sunday dinner. It’s a beautiful display of worker solidarity and union power as striking workers and their families come eat a warm meal and enjoy their camaraderie. It is there that a van-full of non-perishable goods from Phoenix-area educators was delivered.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ protest against war with Iran.

Tucson, AZ – On January 4, around 200 people flooded the sidewalk of a busy Tucson intersection to demonstrate their solidarity with the Iranian and Iraqi peoples and voice their anger at murderous billionaire President Trump.


By Jim Byrne

Protest against ALEC

Tucson, AZ – On December 4, a coalition of union educators, immigrant rights, police crimes, and climate change activists confronted the agenda of corporations like UPS and energy industry giants and billionaires like Charles Koch and Sheldon Achelson. At its height the crowd numbered around 200 with signs reading: “ALEC: Oligarchy in progress” and “Privatization, criminalization, incarceration, climate change, imperialism: #ALECisBehindIt.”


By Jim Byrne

Educators show solidarity with Asarco strikers.

Tucson, AZ – It has become tradition in Arizona to wear red and take selfies on Wednesdays to support the #RedForEd movement to demand that the legislature fully fund schools. However, since there are currently 2000 workers on strike at the Asarco mines, educators took selfies with Steelworkers and Teamsters on their picket line on Wednesday, October 16.


By staff

Tucson, AZ – The United Steelworkers (USW) said, October 11, that about 2000 hourly workers at five ASARCO LLC, locations in Arizona and Texas voted overwhelmingly to strike against unfair labor practices rather than to accept the Grupo México subsidiary’s so-called “last, best and final” offer.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – Nearly a dozen anti-war activists answered the call for an emergency rally Friday afternoon, October 11, to make the demand that the U.S. and NATO member Turkey leave Syria. Amid rush hour traffic moving through downtown, there were several honks of solidarity with the message on posters saying: “U.S.-NATO out of Syria” and “U.S. hands off Syria.”


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ protest against Trump's attacks on immigrants

Tucson, AZ – Over 100 people braved the intense desert sun Tuesday morning, July 2, to demonstrate their anger at Trump’s threat for ICE raids aimed at thousands of undocumented families. Many demonstrators also expressed their demand to reunite families and to close the concentration camps operating as detention centers.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona teachers protest prosecution of  humanitarian activist Scott Warren.

Tucson, AZ – On June 6, nearly 150 people gathered outside the Federal Courthouse in downtown Tucson to demonstrate solidarity with humanitarian activist Scott Warren. Warren, an Arizona State University geography professor from the border town of Ajo, is facing 20 years in federal prison for providing humanitarian aid to crossing immigrants.


By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ – Just one day after President Trump announced official recognition for the illegally self-inaugurated interim president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, a dozen activists rallied outside the downtown federal building, January 24. The rally took a stand in solidarity with the democratically-elected president, and former union bus driver, Nicolas Maduro.


By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ – Around 40 people chanting “No wall, never,” joined a protest here January 10 in response to President Trump’s bid to finance his racist border wall. Protesters’ signs reading “Refugees welcome here!” drew many honks of solidarity from traffic in front the federal building.


By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ – Over 100 people chanted, “Troops off the border! Defy Trump’s order!” at the Davis-Monthan Air Force base on December 1. Signs reading “Refugees welcome here!” drew many honks of solidarity from traffic passing by the base entrance where demonstrators stood outside.


By Jim Byrne

Prepares for large rally Saturday at Air Force base

Tucson, AZ – On November 27, in response to the U.S. government’s brutal use of rubber bullets and tear gas on demonstrators in Tijuana, three actions of solidarity took place in Tucson. One was at an elementary school where a class of children chanted “Solidarity now!” in a video shared on social media. Another was coordinated by a handful of “Ragin’ Grannies” outside Tucson High holding signs that read “Refugees welcome here!” A third action took place at the University of Arizona and had a turnout of over two dozen people. Their two huge banners read “No hate, no fear! Refugees welcome here!”


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – On November 13 around 50 people gathered in front of the Federal Building in downtown Tucson to demand that President Trump remove over 5000 troops deployed to the border. With chants of “Say it loud, say it clear! Refugees are welcome here!” the crowd generated many honks of solidarity from passing cars, tractor trailers, school buses and city buses.

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