Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Kosta Harlan

Rochester, NY – Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Rochester declararon una victoria y dieron por terminada la ocupación luego de que la administración de la universidad aprobara varias de sus demandas. En el 6 de febrero, más de 75 estudiantes ocuparon el auditorio del edificio Goergen biomédica e ingeniería, como muestra de solidaridad con el pueblo palestino en Gaza. Los Estudiantes por una Sociedad Democrática (SDS) en la Universidad de Rochester organizaron la toma para aumentar la presión en la administración para que accediera a sus demandas.

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By staff

A group called Take Back NYU! (TBNYU) occupied the student union at New York University, Feb. 19, placing demands on the university’s administration. The occupation lasted for two days. Near the end of the occupation, close to 500 supporters outside the building rallied in support of approximately 80 students who were inside the building. Fight Back! interviewed Christa Hendrickson, a student from Drew University and a member of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Hendrickson was present at the end of the occupation.


By staff

Chapel Hill, NC – Six members of UNC-Chapel Hill’s chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) met with Congressman David Price and his staff on Jan. 23 to demand a just U.S. policy toward the Palestinian people. SDS is outraged with Representative Price for his vote in support of House Resolution 34, a one-sided resolution passed by Congress on Jan. 9 that condoned Israel’s massacre of hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza.


By Kosta Harlan

Students outside David Price's office holding flags and signs

Chapel Hill, NC – Over the past week, hundreds of students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill took action in protest of the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Student organizers began planning events as soon as the Israeli bombing of Gaza started three weeks ago, and were prepared to mobilize students when classes began this week.


By Chapin Gray

Photo of students marching in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Tuscaloosa, AL – “Gaza Gaza Don't You Cry – Palestine Will Never Die!” Chants for Palestine rang throughout downtown Tuscaloosa Wednesday during lunch hour.