Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Students for a Democratic Society

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) urging students to join the Jan. 25 protests to stop the FBI and grand jury witch hunt directed against anti-war and international solidarity activists.


By Chapin Gray

Attempt to deliver giant subpoena to US Attorney Fitzgerald

Chicago, IL – “Stop the subpoenas, stop the raids! We are here, we aren’t afraid!” On a chilly morning, Jan. 14, over 50 people gathered at the Federal Building in downtown Chicago to deliver a mock subpoena to U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald is in charge of the wave of FBI raids, harassment and subpoenas that began last September across the country. Since then, 23 people have been summoned to appear before a federal grand jury in Chicago and all have refused to participate in what is being called a political witch hunt.


By Ben Rothschild

Students speak out at a Board of Trustees meeting, Nov. 18

Chicago, IL – About twenty students from the University of Illinois campuses in Chicago and Urbana-Champaign attempted to speak out at a Board of Trustees meeting, Nov. 18. The students are organizing against tuition increases and the re-segregation of higher education.


By Fern

SDS member Diana Moreno speaks out against Block Tuition to the crowd

Gainesville, FL – Approximately 100 students rallied at Turlington Plaza on Nov. 17 with signs, bullhorns and petitions, demanding that the University of Florida halt its plan to implement Block Tuition starting Fall 2011. Block Tuition would force 60% of students to pay for more classes than they actually enroll in. Block Tuition would severely limit the ability of poor and working-class students to attend the University of Florida.


By staff

SDS member posing as a FBI recruiter

Chicago, IL – Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Illinois-Chicago staged street theatre in front of an FBI recruitment event here, Nov. 9. Dressed up as agents of the ‘Federal Bureau of Intimidation,’ activists handed out fliers against FBI repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists who were raided on Sept. 24.


By Grace Kelley

Meredith Aby speaks on SDS panel

Minneapolis, MN – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) hosted a panel discussion here Nov. 2 at the University of Minnesota. The panel was made up of six anti-war and international solidarity activists from the Minneapolis, all of whom were raided by the FBI on Sept. 24th and were subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in Chicago. None of the affected activists have any charges against them; the FBI claims to be searching for evidence of “material support of terrorists.”


By Mike Gold

Students for a Democratic Society 5th National Convention

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 23-24, around 100 student activists from across the country converged here for the fifth Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) National Convention.


By Grace Kelley

University of Minnesota students gathered for a press conference Oct. 20

Minneapolis, MN – University of Minnesota students gathered for a press conference Oct. 20 outside the administration building. The event, organized by Students for a Democratic Society, focused on Students for a Democratic Society’s ongoing campaign for education rights and challenged the administration’s attacks on student cultural centers currently occupying space in the campus student union. Speakers included members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), La Raza Student Cultural Center, the American Indian Student Cultural Center, Al-Madinah Cultural Center, the Queer Student Cultural Center, and the Women’s Student Activist Collective.


By staff

Elena Everett speaking about her experience with FBI repression

Durham, NC – About 30 people gathered at the Durham Federal Courthouse this morning to speak out against the grand jury proceedings being used by the FBI against anti-war activists. The protest was one of many across the country that brought out hundreds of people to denounce the latest wave of FBI repression on the anti-war movement.