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Wisconsin war on state employees sparks wave of protests

By staff

Rally in Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI – More attacks on students and workers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are underway, this time from newly-elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who is planning to cripple state workers with new legislation that will virtually eliminate collective bargaining rights for public sector unions. Claiming that he has the votes in the state house and senate, Gov. Walker's budget bill will be voted on Thursday, Feb. 17.

300 campus workers and students rallied at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Feb. 13 in response to Governor Scott Walker's proposed budget. The Milwaukee Graduate Assistants Association, The Association of University of Wisconsin Professionals, AFSCME Local 82 and Students for a Democratic Society are all fighting back.

AFSCME Local 82 President Gilbert Johnson encouraged campus workers to fight back against budget cuts and union attacks, saying, “We can shut this university down!”

Thousands of workers and students are expected to converge on the Madison, Wisconsin capitol building Feb. 15 and Feb. 16 to protest the proposed budget. Hundreds of teaching assistants in the University of Wisconsin system will be taking their students to the rallies and unions from across the Midwest are busing into Madison to show their solidarity with Wisconsin workers.

#MilwaukeeWI #StudentMovement #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #GovernorScottWalker #MilwaukeeGraduateAssistantsAssociation #AFSCMELocal82

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