Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the University of Minnesota chapter of Students for a Democratic Society


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the University of Minnesota chapter of Students for a Democratic Society.


By Jasper Nordin

SDS protest demands increased abortion access.

Minneapolis, MN – On October 7, over 40 students and community members gathered at Morrill Hall at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis to demand that the university administration take action to expand abortion access on campus. The crowd marched down Washington Avenue before arriving at Moos Tower, where the University of Minnesota medical school is located.


By Nuala Cacek

U of MN SDS disrupts Board of Regents meeting.

Minneapolis, MN – On October 8, about a dozen members of the University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society disrupted a meeting of the UMN Board of Regents to demand the implementation of a Campus Civilian Police Accountability Council (Campus CPAC).


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – A proposal to amend faculty senate bylaws and create a new Campus Safety Committee failed to garner enough votes to pass during a June 29 University Senate meeting, open only to voting members. The proposed committee would “advise and consult with the President, the responsible senior administrators, and the Vice President for University Services on policies and major decisions relating to campus and public safety at the University,” and would be made up of faculty, academic professional members, students, civil service members, and ex officio representatives.


By staff

Demand fairness and respect

U of MN AFSCME members confront the Board of Regents.

Minneapolis, MN – University of Minnesota AFSCME members confronted soon-to-be-inaugurated University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel at the September 13 Board of Regents meeting in the McNamara Alumni Center.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On May 3, around two dozen people gathered to protest the increased militarization of the University of Minnesota Police Department. The rally, held by Students for a Democratic Society, was part of a broader campaign to disarm the UMPD.


By Kim DeFranco

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

St. Paul, MN – Pro-Trump supporters came to the MN state capitol, March 4, for their “March 4 Trump” rally, while protesters showed up to oppose the Trump regime and to shut down the rally. The counter protest was organized by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota. They were joined by other citywide groups and Twin Cities residents to unite against the Trump rally under the slogan “Make Racists Afraid Again.”


By staff

Twin Cites protest against the escalation of U.S wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and

St. Paul, MN -The organizers of a weekly peace vigil held every Wednesday in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul issued a special call for people to join the vigil on the afternoon of Nov. 26, the afternoon before the Thanksgiving holiday.


By Cannon Atkinson

SDS members at Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Oct. 10 protest.

Minneapolis, MN – Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) gathered a crowd on Oct. 10 to protest a speech by former President Bill Clinton and his support for U.S. wars and military attacks in the Middle East. Protesters chanted, “No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East!”


By staff

Anh Pham at protest against U.S. intervention in Libya.

Minneapolis, MN – On one of the first warm spring afternoons here, over 50 people joined an anti-war protest on April 2 to demonstrate against the U.S. war on Libya.

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