Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Hennepin County AFSCME members rally for a decent contract

Minneapolis, MN – On December 13, over 3500 Hennepin County clerical and social service workers who are members AFSCME Locals 34 and 2822 rejected the county’s “last best and final” contract offer and authorized a strike across both locals. The two locals represent the largest blocks of organized workers in the Hennepin County system.


By Jim Byrne

Phoenix airport concessions workers on strike.

Phoenix, AZ – For many striking concessions workers, this is the first Thanksgiving they are not working. At Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, HMS Host hospitality is the biggest concessions service, with hundreds of workers. Those workers are fed up with four years of failure from HMS to agree to a decent contract. Four days into their indefinite strike, Unite Here Local 11 HMS Host workers are fighting for a contract that includes raises, affordable health insurance, an employer-paid pension, protection for workers' tips, and strong contract language for equal opportunity and protection from discrimination.


By staff

Tuscaloosa AL – On October 28 a Tuscaloosa judge granted a temporary restraining order filed by the Warrior Met Mine where around 1,100 members of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) have been on strike since early April after voting down an offer from the mine by a 95% majority. The order prohibits “picketing or other activity” within 300 yards of the mine entrances and any activity that interferes with “the conduct and operation of Warrior Met’s business and supporting activities”.


By Tom Burke

Striking Kellogg workers at company headquarters in downtown Battle Creek, MI.

Battle Creek, MI – Over 200 striking workers and supporters rallied outside the Kellogg’s headquarters in downtown Battle Creek on October 27. As Kellogg’s corporate bosses looked down from their offices, striking workers and their families listened to energetic speeches.


By staff

Portland, OR – On September 18, more than 1000 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM), who work for Nabisco across five states, voted in a split decision to accept a new contract offer from Nabisco and end their 39-day strike. The workers had been on strike in Portland, Oregon; Richmond Virginia; Chicago Illinois; Aurora, Colorado and Norcross, Georgia.


By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – Several hundred striking workers and supporters rallied September 4 at the Nabisco plant on Chicago’s South Side. Strikers marched through around the plant, and even staged a sit-down action on company property.


By staff

Striking skyscraper window clears on the picket line.

Minneapolis, MN – On August 20, the strike continued for around 50 SEIU Local 26 union members who clean the majority of the tall buildings in downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul. Through their first five days of the strike the window cleaners picketed in locations all around downtown Minneapolis. They also held multiple larger events for members of other unions and the community to show their support for the workers and their strike over wages and safety.


By staff

Striking Nabisco workers in Chicago.

Chicago, IL – More than 1000 union members represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' union have been striking at Nabisco, where the workers who make Oreo Cookies, Ritz Crackers, and many other popular snacks have walked out of work, saying the strike is a fight to keep what they have had. The workers are striking in Colorado, Illinois, Oregon and Virginia.


By staff

Striking window cleaners.

Minneapolis, MN – On August 17 at 7 a.m. around 50 high rise window cleaners represented by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 26 in Minneapolis began a strike. The window cleaners are part of a master contract in which three companies bargain together for one large contract.


By staff

Topeka, KS – Around 850 Frito Lay Workers In Topeka, Kansas ended a 20-day strike and are back on the job after ratifying a new contract offer from management. The workers are represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International Union (BCTGM). They began a strike on July 5 which lasted 20 days before management came back to the table with a revised offer addressing many of the strike issues. The union announced on Saturday, July 24 that they were ending the strike after the new agreement had been reached.