Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Professor Manuel Barrera speaking at June 16 protest

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 protesters gathered in front of the FBI offices here, June 16, to demand that the charges be dropped against veteran Los Angles Chicano activist Carlos Montes. Protest organizers blasted the growing attacks by the FBI and other police agencies on anti-war, international solidarity and progressive political activists.


By Dee Michel

Chicago protest in solidarity with Carlos Montes

Chicago, IL – Chicago activists, including those from the immigrant rights and Chicano movements, rallied at the Dirksen Federal building on June 16 in solidarity with veteran Chicano activist, Carlos Montes. Montes was raided by the Los Angeles County Sherriff and FBI on charges of a firearm code violation. They seized his personal effects and over 40 years worth of political movement documentation.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution adopted by workers and communist parties gathered at the International Communist Seminar in Brussels, Belgium, May 13-15. The statement expresses solidarity with Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), along with other anti-war and international solidarity activists who are facing repression in the United States. The resolution was signed by 42 parties.


By staff

_Anti-war, international solidarity activists interrupt his speech in Minneapolis _

Protesters at Eric Holder visit to Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder got a cold reception in Minneapolis May 27, where the Committee to Stop FBI Repression dogged him all day about FBI and grand jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists. 100 people gathered outside his event at the University of Minnesota. The shouts of protesters outside could be heard inside, “Hey Holder, hear our fury! Stop the FBI, end the grand jury!”


By Kosta Harlan

In its 2010 Annual Report, the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR), a body of the Organization of American States, noted the FBI and grand jury repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists. The Committee to Stop FBI Repression publicized the IACHR's report in a statement on May 22.


By mick

Puppet of FBI agent at May Day Minneapolis May Day parade

Minneapolis, MN – Members and supporters of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression participated in the Heart of the Beast Annual Mayday Parade and festival, receiving an enthusiastic response. Committee members carried a giant puppet of an FBI agent and dressed as witches, symbolizing the FBI and grand jury witch hunt that is being waged against anti-war and international solidarity activists. The parade is a longstanding community event.


By staff

Grace Kelly of Students for a Democratic Society speaking at protest in front of

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people picketed and carried banners outside the FBI building here, April 19, to show support for activists still facing repression from the FBI. Since September 24, 2010, when the FBI raided people’s homes and the office of the Anti-War Committee, there has been continued FBI harassment of the peace movement. Anti-war and international solidarity activists face the threat of renewed calls to the grand jury or indictment for ‘material support for terrorism.’


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – On April 7, four Latino and immigrant leaders spoke against political repression on a panel at the University of Minnesota. They spoke out in solidarity with the 23 anti-war activists facing FBI and grand jury repression and told their stories of solidarity in the face of repression.


By Kosta Harlan

Tom Burke (right) speaking at the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) conference

Asheville, NC – On April 2, about 80 people attended a workshop on the Sept. 24, 2010 FBI raids and grand jury repression of anti-war and solidarity activists at the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) southern regional conference here. In addition to NLG members from across the South, over two dozen community members from Asheville’s peace and justice movements came to learn about the case and to show their support for the targeted activists.


By staff

Chicago, IL – “The Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR) is asking you to join us in supporting national anti-war protests. On March 19 there are local rallies, many with International ANSWER Coalition,” says Tom Burke, a spokesperson for the CSFR.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression urging participation in the March 8 national call in day to stop FBI and Grand Jury attacks on anti-war and international solidarity activists.


By John Catalinotto

Panelists at the NYC Stop FBI Conference

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.


By staff

_Motion will be made to subpoena ‘Karen Sullivan’ – undercover FBI infiltrator in Twin Cities in anti-war movement _

Mick Kelly speaks at March 4 press conference in front of Federal Building

Minneapolis, MN – At a March 4 press conference outside the Federal Building, lawyers who filed the first lawsuit resulting from police violence at the 2008 Republican National Convention announced their plan to move forward with litigation in the case of Mick Kelly. In a widely publicized incident, police, standing only feet away, shot Kelly in his stomach with a high velocity marking projectile at the demonstration organized by the Anti-War Committee on the fourth day of the RNC, September 4, 2008.


By Kosta Harlan

Conference unites over 100 activists from across the South

Speakers on the second panel

Chapel Hill, NC – Over 100 activists from across the South gathered at the University of North Carolina School of Law Feb. 19 for a conference against FBI repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists. The conference was one of four regional conferences organized by the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression (CSFR). Activists came from as far as Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee and Atlanta, Georgia.


By staff

Oakland, CA – A crowd of 150 West Coast anti-war leaders and international solidarity activists met here, Feb. 12, at the Humanist Hall to help build a movement against the current wave of political repression emanating from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office in Chicago.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Fight Back News Service urges our readers to check out the following videos from the Feb. 12 midwest conference against the FBI and Grand Jury repression that was held in Chicago. The conference and benefit brought together about 200 activists from Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri.


By staff

Protest in North Carolina against FBI, Grand jury repression

Chapel Hill, NC – A conference to address the recent FBI raids on anti-war and international solidarity activists’ homes and offices will take place Feb. 19 from 9:45 am until 5:00 pm at the UNC Law School on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided for a suggested $5 donation. Childcare will be available free of charge.


By Tom Burke

Kalamazoo, MI – FBI agents continue to harass anti-war and international solidarity activists, this time in Michigan. On Feb 3., longtime Michigan peace activist Dave Staiger received a phone call from the FBI. Special agent Karlie Wood asked to interview Dave in person. Staiger told the agent, “My policy is to contact a lawyer if the FBI or police want to talk to me.” The agent said, “Contacting a lawyer is not necessary,” and that Staiger was not in any trouble. Special Agent Wood then stated that she wanted to talk about matters relating to the Grand Jury subpoenas and FBI investigation in Minneapolis and Chicago.


By Students for a Democratic Society

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society.


By Betsey Piette

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article from Workers World.

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