Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following March 24 statement from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera.


By Tom Burke

Mark Burton es el abogado del revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera. Palmera es un preso político de los EE.UU., que actualmente permanece en la prisión de súper-máxima seguridad en Florence, Colorado. Mark Burton es una de las pocas personas que puede visitar y comunicarse con Palmera. Hay una campaña por la libertad de Ricardo Palmera para que pueda participar en las conversaciones de paz en Colombia, que suceden en Cuba. Ricardo Palmera es conocido popularmente como Simón Trinidad en Colombia. Para obtener más información, consulte

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By Tom Burke

Protest in front of Washington DC courthouse during trial of Ricardo Palmera.

Mark Burton is the lawyer for Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera. Palmera is a political prisoner of the U.S., currently held in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. Mark Burton is one of the few people allowed to visit and communicate with him. There is a campaign to Free Ricardo Palmera so he can take part in ongoing Colombian peace talks happening in Cuba. Ricardo Palmera is popularly known as Simón Trinidad in Colombia. For more information see


By Fight Back! Editors

We celebrate the release of the Cuban Five – political prisoners held by the U.S. government for 16 years. Their freedom also marks a positive change in relations between the U.S. government and Cuba. Many anti-war and international solidarity activists who worked towards their release are raising their glasses to toast this victory!


By Peace Delegation of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Jan. 18 statement from the Peace Delegation Revolutionary Armed Forces on the imprisonment by the U.S. of Colombian revolutionary, Professor Ricardo Palmera. Known in Colombia as Simón Trinidad, Palmera was kidnapped, brought to the United States and is now serving what amounts to a life sentence. For more information from the FARC Peace Delegation: For information from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera: After 10 years behind bars, Simón Trinidad has to be repatriated


By staff

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) have chosen Ricardo Palmera as one of their negotiators for Colombian peace talks. Professor Palmer is a political prisoner held in solitary confinement by the U.S. government in the Florence, Colorado Supermax prison. Palmera’s supporters in Colombia and around the world are demanding that Palmera be set free and that the U.S. government stop interfering in Colombia’s internal affairs. The FARC put Palmera’s name forward as one of the three main negotiators after peace negotiations were announced last week.


By W. T. Whitney Jr.

In order to preserve democratic appearances, power brokers may limit repression to intimidation and creating divisions within dissident ranks. Surely, those targeted with the threat or reality of jail time, or cowed by abusive, freewheeling investigations do remember. Yet activists who are spared or members of the general public either never knew, or may forget.


By Joshua West

Orem, UT – Tom Burke from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera spoke to students at Utah Valley University, Oct. 27. The event, sponsored by the Revolutionary Students Union, brought in many students wanting to know more about the U.S.-held Colombian political prisoner, Ricardo Palmera and the situation in Colombia.


By Redacción

El día 3 de diciembre del 2007, el revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad), se enfrenta a una sentencia condenatoria en la Corte Federal del Distrito de Columbia, en la ciudad de Washington D.C.Estados Unidos (EE.UU.). El Comité Nacional para la Libertad de Ricardo Palmera (CNLRP), llenará el salón de la corte en apoyo a este bravo luchador por la libertad de Colombia.

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By mick

Washington D.C, abril 21, 2008 – La administración Bush en su propia corte sufre una fuerte derrota, en su intento de enlodar al revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad) con acusaciones y cargos de tráfico de estupefacientes.

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