Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Oakland, CA – Activists with the Bay Area Rasmea Defense Committee chained themselves to doors of the federal courthouse here, Nov. 12 to protest the conviction and imprisonment of 67-year-old Palestinian community organizer Rasmea Odeh.


By staff

Thousands march in Oakland demanding justice for Trayvon Martin.

Oakland, CA – Several thousand protesters marched to demand justice for Trayvon Martin here, during the afternoon of July 14. The protesters began by rallying at Oscar Grant plaza and from there marched through the working-class neighborhood of West Oakland.

July 14 protest in Oakland, CA.

#OaklandCA #OppressedNationalities #AntiRacism #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman #InjusticeSystem

By Silas Weatherby

Oakland protest demands justice for Carlos Montes

Oakland, CA – More than 20 people came a rally on Dec. 14 at the Oakland Federal Building in support of veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes, who was in court in Los Angeles that same day.


By Silas Weatherby

Oakland, CA – More than 20 people came a rally on Dec. 14 at the Oakland Federal Building in support of veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes, who was in court in Los Angeles that same day.


By staff

Image from Oct. 12 organizers' video.

Oakland, CA – The Occupy movement is planning a dramatic set of blockades at West Coast ports Dec. 12.


By staff

Tens of thousands of people streamed into Oakland on November 2nd to answer the call for a general strike, the week after police violently attacked the Occupy movement at city hall with tear gas, flash grenades and bean bag bullets. The attempt to evict the camp failed, but Scott Olsen, an Iraq war veteran and Occupy participant, was stricken by a tear gas canister and remains hospitalized. The protesters called for a general strike in response to the police violence, as well as the overall demands of the Occupy movement. They are seeking an end to economic inequality and to stop the balancing of the economic crisis on the backs of working people. There were rallies and marches throughout the day, halting business as usual in the downtown district. Banks and stores remained shuttered. From there, the protesters moved to the port of Oakland to shut it down with a massive human blockade. This was also a success. “At this time maritime operations are effectively shut down”, declared the Port of Oakland in a statement to the press. Labor had a strong presence, including the SEIU, AFT, Teamsters, NUHW, Iron Workers, and other trade unions. Said one city worker, “I'm here because they cut, cut, and cut our pay and benefits but the administrators keep pulling down $300,000 a year.” Alex, a recent Berkeley graduate said, “Today is a great start towards a movement that can fight the evictions happening all over Oakland.” These pictures tell some of the story of November 2 in Oakland.


By staff

Rally against FBI repression,  June 16

Oakland, CA – About 75 people came to the June 16 rally here to denounce the arrest of Carlos Montes in Los Angeles, and the grand jury subpoenas which are being resisted by 23 other anti-war and international solidarity activists in the Midwest.


By Dave Welsh

_Dockworkers shut down ports of Oakland and San Francisco for 24 hours _

Oakland, CA – The power of workers to bring production to a halt was on dramatic display April 4, when longshore workers of ILWU Local 10 shut down the ports of Oakland and San Francisco for 24 hours, in solidarity with the heroic struggles in Wisconsin.


By staff

Oakland, CA – A crowd of 150 West Coast anti-war leaders and international solidarity activists met here, Feb. 12, at the Humanist Hall to help build a movement against the current wave of political repression emanating from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office in Chicago.


By Manuel Morales

Oakland, CA – Cientos de jóvenes se reunieron en Oakland, California para tomar parte en la conferencia de Fuerza Juvenil. El evento tomó lugar el 6 de Marzo de este año, en la preparatoria Freemont. Cientos de estudiantes se reunieron en las sesiones plenarias. Sus demandas incluyeron, la eliminación del sistema judicial que criminaliza a la juventud, en su lugar piden que se establezca un programa de educación popular que se enfoca en las necesidades de la comunidad. Una estudiante sintetizó las frustraciones de nuestra juventud al declarar que “una cárcel o no se puede corregir o un sistema injusto que criminaliza a la juventud no se puede corregir, solo debe ser destruido tornillo por tornillo, poco a poco,” expreso la estudiante carismática Sra. Simon. Algunos de los grupos de juventud que asistieron la conferencia fueron El Movimiento Ollin, El Movimiento Del Tercer Ojo, Juventud Organizando Comunidades, La Nueva Raza Izquierda, y Fuerza Juvenil. Los jóvenes decidieron protestar en la convención demócrata que tomará lugar el 13 de Agosto en Los Angeles y continuar reuniéndose para crear un movimiento en todo el estado guiado por la juventud.

#OaklandCA #StudentMovement #News #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Ollin #Cárceles #Prisiones #ElMovimientoDelTercerOjo #JuventudOrganizandoComunidades #LaNuevaRazaIzquierda #FuerzaJuvenil