Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of Sandino's "Plan to Realize..."

Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) attended a ceremony in the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas for the 90th anniversary of the “Plan to Realize the Great Dream of Bolivar.” The Plan was written by Nicaraguan revolutionary Augusto Sandino during his armed struggle against the U.S. occupation of his country. Among the event's attendees was Yaosca Calderon Martin, the Nicaraguan ambassador to Venezuela, along with veterans of the Sandinista struggle in the 1970s and 1980s.


By staff

¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Amanda Martínez, una Sandinista leal y patriótica. Su nombre verdadero ha sido omitido porque ella ha recibido amenazas violentas contra sí misma y su familia. Ella viene de la ciudad La Concepción, que está al sur de Managua y al oeste de Masaya. La Concepción tiene alrededor de 30,000 personas y es un área agrícola. ¡Lucha y Resiste!: Como sucedió El Golpe Suave en el pueblo de La Concepción? ¿Había tranques? ¿Secuestraron a gente? ¿Como trataron a la gente Sandinista? ¿Que hizo la Policía Nacional?

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By staff

Fight Back! interviewed Amanda Martinez, a patriotic Sandinista. Her name has been changed to a pseudonym, as counter-revolutionaries have made violent threats against her and her family. She lives in the small city of La Concepcion that is south of Managua and west of Masaya. La Concepcion has a population of around 30,000 people and is mostly an agricultural area. Fight Back!: How did the soft coup against President Ortega play out in the town of La Concepcion? Were there roadblocks? Did they sequester people? How did they treat Sandinista members? What did the National Police do?


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – Una vez, alguien dijo que, no hay más que dos perspectivas que existen: el lado del capitalismo y el lado del socialismo. Esas palabras profundas reverberan cuando uno vea los titulares sobre de la situación en Nicaragua. En los días siguiendo el aniversario de la Revolución Sandinista en 19 de Julio, la mayoría de la prensa controlado por las corporaciones están enfocados todavía alrededor las metas del golpe suave. Esa es la perspectiva que apoya el lado del capitalismo, de imperialismo. La prensa en los EEUU están tratando a resucitar algo muerto: los planes a sacar el gobierno del Presidente Daniel Ortega. Pero, no lo han permitido a ocurrir las masas leales Sandinistas. A decir que el golpe suave intentado por los EEUU y los compradores Nicaragüense no ha logrado es a apoyar el lado de socialismo.

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By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – This past weekend, July 7 and 8, hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans marched and rallied to celebrate the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution that liberated the country from the 43-year reign of the brutal, U.S.-backed Somoza dictatorship.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – In November of 2016, president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega was elected for a third term with 72% approval. Despite what the U.S. government says about Nicaraguan elections, the Carter Center’s election observer teams routinely praise Nicaragua’s fair and free elections. It is clear the U.S. government is unhappy with the results, so U.S. interference with deadly consequences is the order of the day.

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