Tom Burke, spokesperson for the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, urgently requests, “Help and aid from Americans, Colombians, and the international community to stop a crime.” Professor Palmera is being put on trial in Colombia while held in solitary confinement in the U.S. He is being forced to wear prison clothes, shackled at the hands and feet and then chained together around the waist, with the ever-present threat of electrical shock if he moves too quickly. This ‘trial’ is a violation of Professor Palmera’s dignity and his rights as a prisoner of war. Tom Burke says, “There is nothing fair or just about the trials and imprisonment of this brave Colombian freedom fighter Ricardo Palmera. Ricardo Palmera should be set free.”
Speaking with Fight Back! Dec. 15, a leader of the U.S.-based National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, Tom Burke, slammed a Nov. 12 lawsuit filed in Florida Middle District Court against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Burke stated, “This is nothing more than an attempt by a group of U.S. mercenaries to gain publicity and put some more money in their pockets. The lawsuit fits into a larger agenda – to criminalize the main Colombian rebel group, the FARC, an organization that is fighting for a free, just and independent Colombia.”
Washington, DC – Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad) negociador de paz de las FARC tomará el estrado de la corte para testimoniar en su propia defensa en la segunda semana de este mes. Los miembros del Comité Nacional para la Libertad de Ricardo Palmera (CNLRP), estarán presente el día 8 de abril en el juicio. El CNPLRP urge a todos los partidarios y simpatizantes de la lucha por la libertad del revolucionario colombiano a unirse a ellos.
Washington, D.C. – El revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad),obtuvo otra importante victoria contra la administración de George Bush y la política intervencionista y guerrerista de Estados Unidos (EE.UU), en la Corte Federal del Distrito de Columbia en la ciudad de Washington D.C..El juez Royce Lamberth fue forzado a declarar el juicio como nulo y viciado. Los fiscales federales de EE.UU. han rehusado comentar al respecto sobre su derrota en el juicio en que acusaban al professor Ricardo Palmera y a las FARC de tráficantes de estupefacientes (drogas)..La nulidad del juicio fue producto de un jurado que no se puso de acuerdo después de cinco semanas de deliberaciones, siete de los doce jurados querían un veredicto de “no culpable”. Esto es una gran victoria y muy significativa para el combatiente colombiano por la libertad, la justicia social y la paz.Y a su vez, destruye la tentativa del gobierno de los EE.UU. de pintar a las FARC como tráficantes de drogas y terroristas.
Washington D.C. – Ricardo Palmera, a Colombian revolutionary and political prisoner held in solitary confinement by George Bush and the U.S. government, goes on trial for a second time on March 26. The first time, Palmera won a big victory when Judge Hogan was forced to declare a mistrial. Some of the American jurors found professor Palmera’s personal testimony convincing and failed to agree on a verdict. Not satisfied with this outcome, the Bush administration is trying Palmera again for the same charges.
Washington, D.C. – In an intense start to the second trial of Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera, the presiding judge, Thomas F. Hogan, was forced to step down March 26, thus ending his involvement in the Palmera case. Participants in the International Day of Action to Free Ricardo Palmera were present in the courtroom and hailed this turn of events.
Washington D.C. – Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera will go on trial for a second time in early June. The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera is calling for a protest to demand his immediate release on June 4 at the D.C. Federal Court Building to coincide with the opening day of arguments in his case. Palmera’s supporters will then pack the courtroom.
Washington D.C. – The chant “Free Ricardo Palmera! Hands off Colombia!” rang out in front of the Federal Courthouse here, June 4, as members of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera held a picket line to demand his release. The picket line coincided with the onset of Palmera’s second trial. Members of Students for a Democratic Society from Asheville, North Carolina and the Colombian Action Network participated in the protest.
Fight Back News Service urges all our readers to join the June 18 protest to demand freedom for Ricardo Palmera. We are circulating the following statement from his defense committee. Also, click here to see the Colombia Action Network statement endorsing the June 18 protest and freedom for Ricardo Palmera.