Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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No U.S. war on north Korea

Minneapolis, MN – In response to the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea and the endless series of U.S. wars, a coalition of Twin Cities-area peace groups have issued an appeal urging people to send an anti-war message for the holidays by being part of a visible anti-war action.


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Minneapolis, MN – A group of union members and community activists from Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar confronted Hennepin County Prosecutor Mike Freeman for dragging his feet in the case of Justine Damond, who was killed by Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor in July. After investigators turned over evidence in the case in September, Freeman had promised a decision by the end of the year. Freeman was caught on tape in a conversation at the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation holiday reception on Wednesday evening. In that conversation, Freeman blamed the wait on investigators who he says have not given him the evidence he needs to bring charges in Damond's death.

#MinneapolisMN #PoliceBrutality #TwinCitiesCoalitionForJusticeForJamar #JustineDamond

By Meredith Aby

March on International Human Rights Day in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Over 150 people marched on International Human Rights day, Dec. 10, in south Minneapolis demanding an end to Trump’s wars and his administration’s attacks on immigrants. The Anti-War Committee and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee co-sponsored the community march, which started at Powderhorn Park.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) are co-sponsoring a community march on International Human Rights Day to show solidarity with the communities whose human rights have been violated by the Trump administration. Protesters will rally in Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis, Dec. 10, at 11 a.m. and will then march on Lake Street past hundreds of immigrant-owned businesses to say “No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!”


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Minneapolis, MN – An important interview with Jose Maria Sison – the founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines – about the growing people’s war in the Philippines is now available as a pamphlet. Click to download the Sison interview pamphlet (PDF).


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Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s paper, The October Revolution and some lessons for the struggle for socialism in the U.S. is now available as a pamphlet.


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University of Minnesota Teamsters demand raises and respect.

Minneapolis, MN – About 400 Teamsters and their supporters rallied at the University of Minnesota administration building, Morrill Hall, on the afternoon of Nov. 17, to demand a decent contract. Members of Teamsters Local 320 overwhelmingly passed a strike authorization vote Nov. 2, and today’s protest was billed as a “pre-strike informational picket.”


By Erika Zurawski

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Minneapolis, MN – El 10 de noviembre del 2017, casi 500 estudiantes de 17 escuelas locales salieron de sus escuelas en la mañana enfrentando un frío brutal y tomaron las calles para exigir que el Congreso tome acción inmediata para proteger a cientos de miles de jóvenes inmigrantes que perderán el estado legal que tanto lucharon para conseguir. Se juntaron en el parque de Martin Luther King, Jr. y marcharon más de dos millas a la estatua de Emiliano Zapata, simbolizando la unidad de las luchas de los estudiantes afroamericanos y latinos.

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By Erika Zurawski

Students walk out of school and march to defend DACA and TPS.

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 10, around 500 students from 17 local high schools and middle schools walked out of their schools and braved cold weather and bitter winds as they took to the streets to demand that Congress take immediate action to protect hundreds of thousands of immigrant youth who will be stripped of their hard fought-for legal status. They converged at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and marched over two miles to the memorial of Emiliano Zapata, symbolizing the unity of the struggles of Black and Latino students.


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Minneapolis protest against U.S. war on DPRK.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people braved sub-freezing temperatures to join a Minneapolis protest on, Nov. 9 to speak out against a U.S. war on north Korea.