Minneapolis, MN – As we see a rising tide of struggle in this country and across the globe, the newspaper Fight Back! is expanding its reach and capacity. Each day, 365 times a year, we provide cutting edge coverage and analyses of the people’s struggle against exploitation and oppression, with the perspective of ending capitalism and replacing it with socialism – a system where political power is in the hands of the working class.
Minneapolis, MN – Amy Klobuchar, a ‘centrist’ who is trying to become the Democratic Party standard-bearer in the upcoming elections for president, states that she will not reverse Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. There has long been a consensus among most Republican and Democratic politicians to support the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
Minneapolis, MN – About 40 protesters held signs reading “No war for the holidays” and “Stop endless wars” to engage with holiday shoppers at the busy intersection of Hennepin and Lagoon Avenues in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis, December 21.
Minneapolis, MN – On December 10, 25 protesters rallied outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to mark International Human Rights Day. After chanting outside the senator’s office, Brad Sigal from the MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee addressed the crowd to draw attention to Trump’s record of human rights abuses against immigrants. The protesters then marched in -10 degrees windchill to the legendary May Day Books in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 60 Minnesotans from over ten local organizations are heading to Chicago the weekend of November 22-24, for the refounding of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Many are of the Twin Cites participants are Black activists and family members of those killed by police. The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar is leading the delegation and is a core endorser of the conference. Minnesota will have the third largest delegation of the nearly 700 people currently registered. The weekend’s activities will likely have over 1000 attendees from across the United States.
Minneapolis, MN – On November 15, the community celebrated a “newly installed” Jamar Clark Avenue street sign on the former corner of Plymouth and James Avenues in North Minneapolis. The renaming was in honor of Jamar Clark, on the night that marked four years since November 15, 2015, when Jamar was shot in the head within 61 seconds of an encounter with Minneapolis Police Department officers Schwarze and Ringgenberg. In the 18 days that followed, community members occupied the 4th Precinct police station in North Minneapolis, demanding justice and calling for the prosecution of the two officers that killed Jamar Clark.
Minneapolis, MN – 50 protesters rallied at the intersection of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis on November 14 in response to a call for emergency response protests. On November 8, Bolivia’s military staged a coup and ousted democratically elected President Evo Morales. Even though Morales accepted asylum in Mexico, the people’s movements have refused to back down and have been protesting in the capital. Protests internationally have been organized to show solidarity with the indigenous and workers’ movements opposing U.S. interference in Bolivia.
Minneapolis, MN – Several Twin Cities area peace and justice groups have called for an emergency protest to show opposition to the U.S.-supported coup in Bolivia. The protest will be held Thursday, November 14 at 5 p.m. along the sidewalks at Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis action is one of many protests happening all over the world in solidarity with the progressive movements of Bolivia.
The following speech was delivered by Fight Back! editor Mick Kelly at a Minneapolis October, 2019 celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese revolution. Kelly is a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and is responsible for its international relations.
Minneapolis, MN – Activists rallied then took to the streets, October 25, blocking light rail, dodging police, and delaying rush hour traffic to demand justice and transparency in the police murder of Brian Quinones.