Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Autumn Lake

Twin Cities action in solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 30 people took to May Day Plaza, July 29, to hold signs and banners in a show of solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti after a new wave of U.S. intervention attempts. This event came after the Biden administration’s July 22 issuance of new sanctions on Cuba, as well as the July 7 assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse.


By Sam Martinez

Monique Cullars Doty speaking at press conference.

Minneapolis, MN – On July 22, 50 people gathered outside Minneapolis City Hall for a press conference in defense of the 646-plus people who were arrested on November 4, 2020. They demanded City Attorney Jim Rowder and other prosecutors drop the charges against the 646, and that the charges be dropped against all protesters since the murder of George Floyd last summer.


By Skyler Dorr

Take Back Pride march in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds marched in the streets of downtown Minneapolis for Taking Back Pride, on June 27. Protesters demanded the conviction of all four officers involved in George Floyd’s murder, justice for all victims of police crimes, the prevention of bathroom bills or medical gatekeeping, community control of the police, a stop to Line 3, freedom for all political prisoners and the wrongfully incarcerated, and freedom for Palestine.


By staff

Hennepin County AFSCME demands a decent contract.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 22, more than 150 members of AFSCME who work for Hennepin County held a boisterous rally in front of the Hennepin County Government Center to kick off their 2021 contract negotiations. The AFSCME locals at Hennepin County are Locals 2822, 34, 552, 1719, 2864 and 2938, collectively representing many thousands of public sector workers employed by the county.


By Jess Sundin

Deona Marie Erickson

Minneapolis, MN – 1500 community members gathered at Girard Avenue and Lake Street in Minneapolis, June 14, for a “March in Honor of Deona Marie,” organized by Black Lives Matter Minnesota. The night before, Deona Marie Erickson was killed by a driver who attacked protesters demanding justice for Winston Smith.


By Jess Sundin

Deona Marie Erickson

Minneapolis, MN – 1500 community members gathered at Girard Avenue and Lake Street in Minneapolis, June 14, for a “March in Honor of Deona Marie,” organized by Black Lives Matter Minnesota. The night before, Deona Marie Erickson was killed by a driver who attacked protesters demanding justice for Winston Smith.


By staff

Winona LaDuke.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 10, hundreds of community members rallied at Gold Medal Park and marched to the office of Senator Amy Klobuchar to stop construction of Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline. Protesters called on the senator to take a stand against the toxic pipeline. President Biden and Governor Walz have authority to halt the construction scheduled to start on July 1.


By Joseph Aharoni

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Minneapolis, MN – 30 people held banners and signs across three bridges on Interstate 35W during Minneapolis’ rush hour on June 9. They were out raising awareness of the consequences of U.S. aid to Israel.


By Montana Hirsch

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Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 immigrant rights protesters held a ‘noise demo’ June 8 outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demand she take action to protect those with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Twelve activists with the Climate Justice Committee (CJC) held banners that said “Climate Justice Now”, “Military Bases Pollute Communities” and “The U.S. Military #1 Polluter” over Highway 62 in south Minneapolis, June 3, outside of an military base during rush hour. The CJC was founded in February 2020 to pressure the federal government to decrease its carbon footprint.

#MinneapolisMN #PeoplesStruggles #EnvironmentalJustice #ClimateJusticeCommittee