Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the University of Minnesota chapter of Students for a Democratic Society.


By Siobhan Moore

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Minneapolis, MN – Jon Melrod’s newly-published memoir, Fighting Times, is more than just a remembrance. It details his time as a revolutionary helping to build the fighting people’s movements – from the student movement of the 1960s in SDS and being part of the Revolutionary Union, to the solidarity struggle with the Menominee Warrior Society occupation in 1975, to building a fighting UAW local at an American Motors plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin – and the lessons learned from each fight. It is a book that class-struggle union militants, student organizers and activists from all the people’s movements alike would do well to read.


By staff

Minneapolis march on Human Rights Day

Minneapolis, MN – Human Rights Day is celebrated internationally every year on December 10. This year, activist groups from the Twin Cities gathered in the Minneapolis’s Uptown neighborhood for a protest and march to bring attention to the ongoing fight for human rights. Over 50 people attended the protest and march despite the cold weather.


By staff

Rail workers and supporters rally in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, December 13, rail workers and labor supporters held rallies across the country calling for sick time and other improvement to conditions for rail workers. It was a cold, rainy afternoon when around 200 people gathered in Northeast Minneapolis near a large rail yard. Similar rallies were scheduled to be held in 11 other U.S. cities on the same day. The rallies were organized by members of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) union.


By Jasper Nordin

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, December 9, over 50 students and community members gathered in front of the student union on the University of Minnesota Twin Cites campus to demand that the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) be protected and upheld in the face of efforts from reactionary, anti-native forces to undo it.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, December 13 Rail Workers who are represented by the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) will hold rallies in at least 12 cities across the United States calling for solidarity with rail workers.


By staff

MIRAC blocks downtown street demanding demanding legalization for all.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 150 people protested December 8 in downtown Minneapolis, blocking Washington Avenue near Interstate 35W in for two hours at rush hour. They protested outside of Senator Amy Klobuchar's office demanding that the U.S. Senate act immediately to legalize people with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) temporary immigration status.


By Danielle Korby

TCC4J members at November 28 press conference to denounce fake "reform."

Minneapolis, MN – In early December, the Minneapolis city council will vote on a “Community Commission on Police Oversight” (CCPO). But despite the name of this proposed commission, Twin Cities activists say that this commission would do nothing to actually hold police accountable, and community members were not consulted in the creation of this proposal.


By staff

FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly.

Minneapolis, MN – About 70 activists packed Mayday Bookstore, November 20, for the release of the print edition of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s (FRSO) political program.


By Jess Sundin

Minneapolis, MN – Seven years after the police murder of Jamar Clark, family members and community commemorated his life with a car caravan and rally in North Minneapolis, November 12. Organizers stated, “Each year we gather to celebrate Jamar’s life and galvanize the community to fight for lasting change. Despite promises from Mayor Frey and MPD police chiefs, little has changed; the Minneapolis Police Department continues to prove, through the murders of Amir Locke and Tekle Sundberg , why TCC4J and community members call for a Civilian Police Accountability Commission.”