Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Whitney Wildman

East Phillips residents hold a banner that youth in Little Earth painted.

Minneapolis, MN – On January 29, 70 activists, community members and supporters held a rally and healing circle in response to the Minneapolis city council’s recent vote in favor of continuing their legacy of environmental racism in the city of Minneapolis. The East Phillips Neighborhood Institute and the Climate Justice Committee organized the rally.


By staff

Protest at Minneapolis City Council meeting to defend East Phillips neighborhood

Minneapolis, MN – Over 100 protesters rallied at a Minneapolis City Council meeting on Thursday, January 26, where the city council members voted 7 to 6 to demolish the Roof Depot building. Protesters, called to action by East Phillips Neighborhood Institute and Climate Justice Committee, demanded a “no” vote on the demolition of the building, as it is currently trapping an arsenic plume underground, keeping it out of the air of the East Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis.


By Tracy Molm

Mick Kelly, Fight Back! editor closing out speeches at the fundraiser.

Minneapolis, MN – Nearly 100 people joined together January 28 to celebrate the newspaper Fight Back! and to raise funds for the paper. Emcees Autumn Lake and Robyn Harbison led the night with toasts from Twin Cities movements that Fight Back! has covered over the last year and getting the crowd excited to aim to raise enough for one print edition of the paper.


By Christine Hauschildt

Minneapolis protest against U.S. wars.

Minneapolis, MN – On January 22, the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, a coalition of anti-war groups in Minnesota, rallied in Mayday Plaza as part of the United National Antiwar Coalition's national call for Martin Luther King Jr. week of actions against U.S. wars to mark his birthday. On the theme of “New Year, Same Wars,” the protest drew a crowd of 70 protesters, eager to hear from activist leaders across the Twin Cities representing the voices of those impacted by U.S. imperialism and endless militarism.


By Brad Sigal

Grassroots immigrant rights leaders and state legislators address the community

Minneapolis, MN – Over 100 immigrants and supporters gathered at the Waite House Community Center on Saturday, January 21 to hear from grassroots leaders in the struggle to win drivers license access for all, and from elected officials that are advancing the bill in the state legislature. The event was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Movement (MIM), a grassroots organization that’s been fighting for drivers license equality in Minnesota for many years. The Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) was also present and spoke at the event.


By Sarah Martin

Polly Mann.

Minneapolis, MN – Polly Mann, a leading force and giant in the Twin Cities anti-war movement, died on January 12, 2023 at the age of 103 in San Francisco, California where she had lived with her daughter Connie for a little over a year.


By staff

Minneapolis Trader Joes workers are fighting for their first contract.

Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, December 31, well over 200 people held a boisterous rally in downtown Minneapolis to support of Trader Joe’s workers who recently formed a union. The rally was made up of Trader Joe’s workers, members of other unions, customers and community members.


By Wyatt Miller

Twin Cities holiday anti war protest.

Minneapolis – On December 17, around three dozen anti-war activists and community members braved 15-degree temperatures and snow flurries to gather outside the busy shopping center at Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue. Billed as “Send an anti-war message for the holidays: Say no to U.S. wars,” the action was organized by the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. Holiday shoppers honked and waved in approval at the demonstrators’ signs and banners, which featured slogans like “Money for human needs, not war!”


By staff

Protest at Senator Klobuchar’s office demands action on DACA

Minneapolis, MN – On the morning of December 20, after weeks of continued pressure, activists occupied Senator Klobuchar's office with the goal of meeting with the senator directly to demand she introduce the American Dream and Promise Act in the Senate. The mobilization came less than two weeks after a militant street protest in front of Klobuchar's office that ended with a promise to “be back.”


By staff

Minneapolis protest against city plans to pollute oppressed nationality, low inc

Minneapolis, MN – Roughly 100 East Phillips residents and supporters rallied at the Hennepin County courthouse, December 15, protest the city’s East Phillips demolition plan and long legacy of systemic racism.