Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

David and Alejandra Cruz in front of their home

Minneapolis, MN – The Minneapolis City Attorney is ramping up repression to try to stop the months-long campaign to resist the foreclosure of Alejandra and David Cruz’s family home at 4044 Cedar Avenue South. In an ominous development, at least three of the dozens of people arrested in defending the home from foreclosure are now being retroactively charged with third degree riot, obstructing legal process, disorderly conduct and presence at an unlawful assembly, in addition to their original trespass charge. The third degree riot charge alone could mean a year in jail and $3000 fine.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S. intervention in Syria and Iran.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 75 people joined an emergency protest here, June 26 at the Federal Building, to speak out against the growing danger of new U.S. wars and military interventions. The protest was organized under the call: “No New Wars – No U.S. War in Iran and Syria – End the Drone Wars.”


By staff

Hip hop and spoken word artist Guante at MIRAc fundraising concert

Minneapolis, MN – On June 23, supporters of the immigrant rights movement joined together for a fundraiser for the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee ( MIRAc) at the Red Sea. The fundraiser featured local hip hop and spoken word artist Guante, DJ Victor1200, as well as Twin Cities Bomba, which is made up of members of Malamanya Musica.


By staff

Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression at Twin Cities LGBT Pride

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression (MNCSFR) and the Anti-War Committee passed out leaflets and stickers at the Twin Cities Pride Festival here, June 23, to build opposition to FBI repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.


By staff

Bail posted, still calling for everyone to “Support CeCe!”

Minneapolis, MN – On the evening of June 4, Leslie Feinberg, a renowned transgender activist and author of Stone Butch Blues and Trans Liberation, was arrested for showing solidarity with Chrishaun “CeCe” McDonald.


By staff

Hundreds take to street in protest

Minneapolis, MN – Leslie Feinberg was arrested the evening of June 4, amidst hundreds of Chrishaun “CeCe” McDonald supporters protesting outside of the Hennepin County Public Safety Facility.


By staff

Jess Sundin speaking at town hall meeting in defense of right to dissent

Minneapolis, MN – On June 2 more than 50 people gathered at the American Indian OIC center for a town hall meeting on civil liberties under the theme of Fight for your Right to Dissent. The event was co-sponsored by the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression and the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF).


By staff

Supporters of Carlos Montes in Minneapolis, May 15

Minneapolis, MN – A group of supporters gathered at the intersection of Chicago Avenue and Lake Street during a sunny south Minneapolis rush hour May 15, in support of Carlos Montes, on the first scheduled day of his trial.


By staff

MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression marching in Heart of the Beast puppet parade

Minneapolis, MN – About 25 people marched in the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression contingent in the annual Heart of the Beast Theater May Day parade here, May 13. The contingent passed out thousands of flyers educating the public about the upcoming trial of Carlos Montes and the attacks on the 23 Midwest activists who have been targeted by FBI and grand Jury repression. They asked people along the parade route to call the Los Angeles District Attorney Cooley to demand that he drop the charges against Carlos Montes. The crowd was receptive and supportive. The Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression built for their picket in solidarity with Montes on the first day his trial, May 15, as well as to invite people to come to the protest against NATO next weekend in Chicago.

#MinneapolisMN #CarlosMontes #MinnesotaCommitteeToStopFBIRepression #AntiWar23

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – This coming weekend, Minnesotans will fill two buses headed for Chicago to participate in an anti-war march and rally outside the NATO summit meeting on Sunday, May 20.