Milwaukee, WI- 100 people protested Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in Milwaukee as he spoke at a $400 dollar-a-plate fundraiser for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett’s run for governor. Community members drove from Chicago and across Wisconsin for a chance to bring their anger over Rahm Emanuel’s policies to him directly.
Milwaukee, WI – Students and community members rallied at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, March 29, to demand justice for Trayvon Martin. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized the rally with the Black Student Union, AFSCME Local 82 and the support of Occupy the Hood Milwaukee and Occupy Milwaukee. 75 students marched silently across campus behind a banner that read “Justice for Trayvon.” When the march reached the student union they began chanting a call and response “Jail the killer, fire the cops! Without justice we won't stop!”
Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff rallied at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) for the March 1st National Day of Action for Education rights. Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), AFSCME Local 82, and AFT Locals marched across campus chanting “No remorse, no regret, we wont pay our student debt!” The crowd stopped at the Chancellor's office to present the demands of the Education Rights Coalition, where they were met by members of the administration. The coalition demands include a tuition freeze, student loan debt forgiveness, and collective bargaining rights for public employee unions affected by Governor Scott Walker's union busting.
Milwaukee, WI – While 300 foreclosed homes were being auctioned off Feb. 6 at the Milwaukee County Courthouse, over 50 protesters stormed Milwaukee City Hall, Feb. 6 demanding an end to foreclosures, evictions, plant closings, school closings and layoffs, as well as transparency with the federally-funded Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).
Milwaukee, WI – The Occupy movement and Palestine solidarity activists filled the room, Jan. 17, for the teach-in called “Occupy Wall Street, Not Palestine!”
Milwaukee, WI – More than one million signatures were filed for the recall of Wisconsin’s Republican Governor, Scott Walker, Jan. 17. The amount of signatures collected is a major victory for the unions and their allies, who conducted a mass mobilization to collect the signatures to fight back against the Republican-led war on the poor and working class.
Milwaukee, WI – In response to concerns from community members of the 20th Street neighborhood, north of North Avenue, a newly formed Occupy Coalition consisting of Occupy the Hood, Occupy Milwaukee, Occupy Riverwest and other groups collected trash that had been scattered throughout the streets and lawns of the community. About forty bags of trash were piled in front of an abandoned home on 20th and Meinecke with a banner reading, “Banks and politicians made this mess.”
Milwaukee, WI – Protesters in Milwaukee occupied a bridge here, Nov. 17, as similar actions took place across the country. Roughly 200 people gathered in Carver Park in a working-class Milwaukee neighborhood, then marched to the Highway 43 bridge, where they met with about 100 other protesters intent on civil disobedience.
Milwaukee, WI – Students gathered over the weekend of Nov. 12 for the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 6th annual National Convention at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. Over 150 students from across the country gathered to participate in workshops, share organizing skills, and exchange experiences about campaigns and strategies practiced on their respective campuses. For over half the students in attendance, this was their first SDS convention.
Este sábado 12 de noviembre “Occupy the Hood” y “Decolonize the Hood/Descolonizar el Barrio” marcharán por el poder afroamericano y latino. A la 1:00 p.m., en el lado sur de la ciudad habrá una demostración en la 27 y Nacional, cerca del Banco M&I, mientras en el lado norte la demostración empezará en la 26 y Wisconsin, cerca del US Bank.