Milwaukee, WI – An April 4 press conference, to take place at Milwaukee’s City Hall, will announce a major protest at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.
Milwaukee, WI – Workers at Milwaukee's Stone Creek Coffee unveiled a petition drive, March 4, to support a several months’ long organizing drive at retail shops and production facilities. These young cafe baristas, cooks, bakers, warehouse workers and truck drivers have signed up in ever-growing numbers to be represented by Teamsters Local 344, the Sales and Service Industry union that represents UPS workers as well as Coke, Pepsi and bakery and linen companies in southeastern Wisconsin.
Milwaukee, WI – An emergency rally was organized by local grassroots organizations and community members from diverse backgrounds, January 10, in Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park. The rally was part of a larger national call to action from the Legalization for All Network, as a response to President Trump’s threats of a National Emergency to fund his proposed wall. The common messages for the night were, “We stand against Trump’s wall” and “Asylum for the refugees.” The frigid Wisconsin temperatures didn’t slow the rally down as the energy increased and attendees chanted, “No hate! No fear! Refugees are welcome here!”
Milwaukee, WI – After the electoral victory of Democrat Tony Evers over Wisconsin's incumbent Republican governor Scott Walker, the Republican state senate has taken unprecedented steps to grab power back from the governor's office. Over the course of the past few weeks, the GOP-dominated state legislature held an extraordinary session at the capitol, swiftly ramming through a laundry list of powers to be transferred away from the governor's office. In short order, they passed a package of several bills which will undermine the abilities of the incoming governor and the new Democratic State Attorney General Josh Kaul, and further strengthen the GOP-controlled state senate.
Milwaukee, WI – Venezuela has been in the news lately. For the first time in decades, the threat of war between the United States and a Latin American country hangs over our hemisphere.
Milwaukee, WI – On August 4, an attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was carried out in Caracas. During a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard, two drones strapped with explosives flew towards the stage and exploded. While Maduro was unharmed, seven soldiers were wounded.
Milwaukee, WI – For several days, tens of thousands of campesinos have marched into Caracas from every corner of Venezuela – some having traveled for weeks – calling for a revolutionary struggle to resolve the land crisis. Called the “Admirable Campesino March,” the demonstration was organized and led by a number of revolutionary groups, including the Communist Party.
Milwaukee, WI – Over 60 people attended Black community leader Vaun L Mayes’ court date, July 5, at the federal courthouse in downtown Milwaukee. In this clear-cut case of political repression, Mayes is facing up to 30 years in prison for conspiracy to commit arson. This charge stems from the rebellion two years ago in the Sherman Park neighborhood, after Milwaukee police murdered the young Black man Sylville Smith in August 2016.
Vaun L. Mayes, a leading activist in Milwaukee's African American community, has been attacked with trumped-up charges resulting from a coordinated campaign of political repression reminiscent of the 1950’s and ‘60’s Counter-Intelligence Program, or COINTELPRO.
Milwaukee, WI – On June 28 local Milwaukee organizations mobilized hundreds of community members calling for the reunification of immigrant children with their families, and for the immediate resignation of Anselmo Villarreal from his current position as board member of the Southwest Key Programs.