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Milwaukee community rallies against Trump’s wall

By staff

Milwaukee protest against Trump's wall.

Milwaukee, WI – An emergency rally was organized by local grassroots organizations and community members from diverse backgrounds, January 10, in Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park. The rally was part of a larger national call to action from the Legalization for All Network, as a response to President Trump’s threats of a National Emergency to fund his proposed wall. The common messages for the night were, “We stand against Trump’s wall” and “Asylum for the refugees.” The frigid Wisconsin temperatures didn’t slow the rally down as the energy increased and attendees chanted, “No hate! No fear! Refugees are welcome here!”

A member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization told the crowd, “Trump is trying very, very hard to keep us divided at the ground level, so that we do not recognize our power as a united front to rid of billionaires like Trump, and imperialism altogether. But we are smarter than him, and that’s why we are all out here tonight.” The rally continued with speakers sharing stories of their parents making sacrifices to cross the border over to the United States. One stated, “My mother had the courage to cross the border, with the goal to give me a better life. She is not a criminal, none of the refugees are criminals.”

The rally was sponsored by the Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump (MCAT), which includes the Young People’s Resistance Committee (YPRC), the Young Workers Committee (YWC), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), and the Legalization for All Network, a national network of immigrant rights organizations. The Milwaukee Coalition Against Trump will continue to fight Trump’s racist agenda and every attack his administration takes against our communities.

No Border Wall, No Militarization of the Border! Refugees are NOT Criminals!

#MilwaukeeWI #PeoplesStruggles #DonaldTrump #borderWall #stateOfEmergency

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