Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight for full-time jobs, $15 minimum wage and child care for working mothers

Jacksonville, FL – After joining a successful statewide event for young workers at the Florida capitol, the Young Workers of Jacksonville (YWJ) are preparing for International Workers Day on May 1. The newly formed group will host a labor-themed cookout for young workers in the city to talk about the major issues affecting them as a class.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

May Day is International Workers’ Day, a day to uphold workers’ struggle around the world. Workers will take to the streets in most of the major cities of the world, holding high their union banners and red flags. Workers will march and protest, listen to rousing speeches and appreciate the past sacrifice of labor militants. Freedom Road Socialist Organization encourages comrades, fellow activists and friends to get out and march, host forums on workers and socialism and show your solidarity with those fighting to end exploitation and oppression!


By staff

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Los Angeles, CA – An important mobilization for immigrant rights is happening here, as activists build for a rally and march on May 1. Organized by the South California Immigration Coalition, the protest will demand “Stop the Deportations Now” and “Legalization for All.” The demonstration will start at Olympic and Broadway, at 4 p.m.


By staff

May Day in Chicago

Chicago, IL – The largest immigrant rights march since 2008 took place here today, May 1. Ringing with the call for “Legalization for all,” the mostly Latino crowd took the traditional route from Union Park, and ended in Federal Plaza.

#ChicagoIllinois #ChicagoIL #MayDay #immigrantRights #legalizationForAll

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Across the globe, workers are fighting back against their bosses and people are standing up to their oppressors. On May 1 people around the world will celebrate International Workers Day – commonly called May Day – by taking to the streets. To mark the occasion, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) urges all revolutionaries, progressives, activists and organizers here in the U.S. to go all out building the people’s fightback against capitalist greed and struggle for socialism.


By staff

Speaker at May 1 immigrant rights protest

Minneapolis, MN – More than 1500 people marched on Lake Street for immigrant and workers rights here on May 1, International Workers Day. Organized by the May 1st Coalition and initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc), the march focused on legalization for undocumented immigrants, ending deportations and support for workers and their unions. The march had the support of the Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation (AFL-CIO), most immigrant rights groups in the city and many Latino student groups from nearby colleges and high schools.


By staff

May Day march in Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee, WI – Over 10,000 marched here, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Anti-war activists held a May Day rally against the U.S.-led NATO war in Afghanistan. Twenty protesters gathered near the Union Soldier monument downtown chanting “No to NATO, end the war now!” Everyone held signs, “No to NATO, bring the troops home now!” or “End the U.S. war in Afghanistan, no to NATO!”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

¡Viva el espíritu de lucha de la clase obrera de Wisconsin!

Volante 1ro de mayo 2011 de Freedom Road

El 1ro de mayo es el día internacional de los trabajadores, un día para celebrar las luchas de la clase obrera y de los pueblos oprimidos. El 1 de mayo de 1886, en los Estados Unidos, cientos de miles de trabajadores se fueron a huelga luchando por la jornada de ocho horas. Ocho organizadores en Chicago, seis de los cuales eran inmigrantes, fueron falsamente acusados de matar a un policía y cuatro de ellos fueron ahorcados. El movimiento obrero internacional adopto el 1 de mayo como un día de lucha y es ampliamente celebrado alrededor del mundo.

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By staff

Anh Pham and Sarah Martin of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Minneapolis, MN – Trade unionists, students, community and anti-war activists filled the hall at Walker Church, April 29, to celebrate International Workers Day. The event, titled, “Celebrate May Day: Standing Up In the Face of Repression,” was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.