Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Masao Suzuki

La gente marcha en San Francisco en 1 de mayo.

San Francisco, CA – El primero de mayo, miles de personas se juntaron en la Misión de la comunidad latina de San Francisco y marcharon al Centro Cívico. Un tema común fue la oposición a la nueva ley de Arizona, SB 1070. Organizaciones comunitarias de latinos y asiáticos, sindicatos y estudiantes universitarios se unieron con familias y con organizaciones religiosas, anti-bélicas y solidarias para la marcha. Se escucharon consignas de “Si se puede!” y “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” Trabajadores latinos salieron de restaurantes, talleres y lavaderos para ver y apoyar la marcha.

#SanFranciscoCA #Labor #MayDay #May1 #elDíaInternacionalDeLosTrabajadores #1DeMayo #SB1070

By Masao Suzuki

Marchers in San Francisco on May Day.

San Francisco, CA – On May 1, thousands of people gathered in San Francisco’s Latino community in the Mission and marched to the Civic Center. A common theme was opposition to Arizona’s new law, SB1070.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Minneapolis, MN – It was standing room only, as more than people 55 came together here, May 6, to celebrate International Workers Day. Leaders from labor, the fight for Native land at Highway 55, welfare rights, anti-war, and student movements spoke of their struggles and victories over the past year. Some traveled over 100 miles, from Duluth MN, to attend.


By Fight Back! Editors

On May 1, hundreds of millions of working people will stand up and say NO to exploitation, poverty, and oppression. In every country on the globe, women and men, employed and unemployed, will come together to celebrate May Day, International Workers Day.


By staff

Screenshot of flyer - English

St. Paul, MN - Undocumented workers and their supporters will take to the streets here May 1 to demand an end to the raids and deportations and for legalization. Protest organizers of the May 1 Coalition announced that marchers will assemble at 2 p.m. in downtown Saint Paul at Kellogg and Robert, and march to the State Capitol building.


By staff

Chicago, IL – A massive demonstration for immigrant rights will take place here May 1. The International Workers Day protest has the support of more than 100 labor, community and religious organizations, including the March 10 Movement and Centro Sin Fronteras.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

May 1st, International Workers Day, is a day of struggle. Around the world, working people will march against imperialist war, to defend the rights of immigrants and to fight to protect their jobs and communities. Here in the United States, May Day has been reborn as millions of Chicanos, Mexicanos and Central Americans, as well as other immigrants and their supporters, have poured into the streets to demand legalization, and an end to raids, deportations and militarization of the border.


By Brad Sigal

signs at march: Stop No-match. Legalization Now

St. Paul, MN – 1000 people marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day, in support of immigrant and workers’ rights. Marchers demanded a stop to the immigration raids and deportations that target immigrant workers and families. They also called for legalization for all undocumented workers. The rally started in a park overlooking the Mississippi River, marched through downtown Saint Paul and ended at the State Capitol.


By Carlos Reyes

Man talking though bullhorn; palm trees in background

San José, CA – On May 1, 1500 youth, families, workers and other community members gathered in east San José to demand legalization, an end to the raids and deportations and respect for human, civil, and labor rights.


By staff

Immigrant rights activists formed a human chain around the federal building

Los Angeles, CA – Immigrant rights activists formed a human chain around the federal building, March 25 to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the mega-march that filled LA streets.