Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Brad Sigal

Saint Paul, MN – At the State Board of Investments (SBI) meeting on August 26, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) member Mari Mansfield spoke out, demanding that Minnesota divest its funds from the border militarization corporation Elbit Systems.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis protest demands justice for women lost to state violence.

Minneapolis, MN – On July 18, hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Minneapolis to demand justice for women lost to state violence. Organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), the protest focused on Vanessa Guillen and Breonna Taylor. The dual focus on Vanessa Guillen, who was Latina, and Breonna Taylor, who was Black, aimed to build unity between Black and Latino communities as well as other communities in the struggle for justice.


By Montana Hirsch

Minneapolis protest demands justice

Minneapolis, MN – On July 4, more than 200 protesters took the streets on wheels for a new type of march calling for an end to a fundamentally racist criminal justice system and “#Justice4All.” Protesters were on bikes, rollerblades, roller skates, skateboards, as well as in a car caravan as they rolled through various neighborhoods in Minneapolis. The protest was organized by Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) along with co-hosts Native Lives Matter, CAIR-Minnesota, LatinoAltRock, and Asamblea de Derechos Civiles. Messaging included slogans such as: “Abolish ICE,” “Prosecute the police,” and linking the struggles with: “The whole damn system is guilty as hell.”


By Brad Sigal

Vigil honors Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia who died of COVID-19 in ICE detention

Minneapolis, MN – After dark on Monday, May 11, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) held a candlelight vigil at the Minneapolis Federal Courthouse to remember Carlos Ernesto Escobar-Mejia. He is the first person reported to die of COVID-19 while in jail detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The speakers at the vigil called on people to remember Carlos and called on government officials to free all ICE detainees.


By Brad Sigal

Immigrant rights activists at Sherburne County commissioners' meeting

Elk River, MN – Immigrant rights activists mobilized to the Sherburne County commissioners' meeting at 9:00 in the morning Tuesday, December 3 in Elk River, a town of around 20,000 people an hour northwest of Minneapolis. They held signs throughout the meeting, and several of them spoke passionately during the public comment section of the agenda, appealing to the commissioners to stop participating in and profiting from immigrant detention in the Sherburne County Jail.


By staff

Thousands march in Minneapolis against Trump's attacks on immigrants and Muslims

Minneapolis, MN – On June 30, 4000 people marched in South Minneapolis to stand with immigrants and Muslims who are under attack by the Trump administration.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, June 30, more than 1000 Minnesotans will march in south Minneapolis to oppose the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim policies of the Trump administration. The march will start at 2:00 p.m., at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis.


By staff

May Day march in St Paul, MN.

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants, union members and activists marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on May 1, International Workers Day. They demanded that the state legislature pass a bill to give immigrants access to drivers licenses, without adding amendments to further criminalize immigrants. They also raised other demands for immigrant and workers’ rights while commemorating the workers who lost their lives in 1886 in the struggle for an eight-hour workday.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – In the shadow of President Trump’s declaration of a ‘state of emergency’ to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Legalization for All Network is organizing a national delegation of immigrant rights activists to go on a fact-finding and solidarity delegation to the border. The delegation will include activists from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC), Milwaukee’s Young People’s Resistance Committee (YPRC) and from the U.S. Palestinian Community Network.


By Brad Sigal

Massive community outpouring fills hearing and packs two overflow rooms

Victor Ramírez-Juárez of the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC)

Saint Paul, MN – Hundreds of immigrants and supporters filled the Minnesota State Capitol on February 28 for the first committee hearing of House File 1500, the ‘drivers license for all’ bill. The hearing room quickly filled to capacity, as did two overflow rooms. After more than two hours of public testimony and debate, the House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee voted to pass the bill and refer it to the House Ways and Means Committee for the next step in the process.


By staff

Representative of MIRAC speaking at Municipal ID press conference.

Minneapolis, MN – Immigrant rights activists celebrated as the Minneapolis City Council voted unanimously, at their final meeting of the year, December 7 to create a new Minneapolis Municipal ID.


By Brad Sigal

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Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered November 5 at rush hour to protest on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge, a major artery that connects Minneapolis and Saint Paul, to protest President Trump’s relentless racist attacks on the caravan of refugees heading north. The refugees are seeking asylum from rampant violence, political instability and extreme poverty in Honduras.


By staff

Daniel Romero

Minneapolis, MN – On June 29, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) held a press conference along with coalition partners in the campaign for an immigrant rights Sanctuary Platform in Minneapolis. Before the city council meeting, they gathered outside of City Hall to demand immediate action to implement a Municipal ID for Minneapolis residents – one of 13 points in their Minneapolis Sanctuary Platform unveiled on Sept. 20, 2017.


By Brad Sigal

Fathers Day march against separation of immigrant families.

Minneapolis, MN – In sweltering heat, 1350 people marched to protest the separation of immigrant families on Father’s Day in Minneapolis.


By staff

Civil disobedience against deportations May 22

Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and the Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign rallied, May 22, while 18 individuals blocked both traffic into the building and also the light rail outside of the Whipple Federal Building before being arrested. They were calling for an end to mass deportations and other anti-immigrant policies.


By Brad Sigal

Columbus statue at MN Capitol.

Saint Paul, MN – On May 21 the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and Minnesota Poor Peoples Campaign held a rally outside the Minnesota State Capitol. The rally featured members of MIRAC speaking about their experience with immigration and fighting deportations and also featured local movement singer Jayanthi Kyle leading the group in powerful songs.


By Brad Sigal

May Day march in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – Several hundred people marched for nearly three miles in south Minneapolis May 1 for immigrant and workers’ rights. The march on International Workers Day was initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and endorsed by 46 organizations and unions, including the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Regional Labor Federations and many individual unions.


By staff

Annual International Workers Day march on Lake Street

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Minneapolis, MN – On Tuesday, May 1, a broad coalition of unions, workers organizations, immigrant rights groups, and other community organizations will have a unified march and cultural program in South Minneapolis. The unified march will begin at 3:30 p.m. with short speeches at Lake and Nicollet. At 4 p.m. the march will leave. The march will culminate in a Cultural Program at the Powderhorn Park building at 5:15 p.m. with speakers, music and dance performances.


By staff

Minneapolis activists demand Municipal ID.

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, April 13, in the City Hall rotunda, the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) held their third press conference with their coalition partners since the launch of their campaign for ‘Sanctuary Now’ in Minneapolis. Before the meeting of the city council, they demanded urgent action to implement a Municipal ID for Minneapolis residents – one of 13 points in MIRAC’s Minneapolis Sanctuary Platform unveiled on Sept. 20, 2017.


By staff

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Minneapolis, MN – On Sunday, Jan.14, immigrant rights activists, including students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status, held a protest and community outreach action on the corner of Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue, a busy intersection in the heart of the Minneapolis Latino immigrant community. They demanded that Congress pass a clean Dream Act before the Jan. 19 congressional budget deadline.A clean Dream Act means permanent protection for immigrant youth with DACA status who were brought here as children, without pairing that with repressive anti-immigrant measures like the border wall, ending family-based immigration and the diversity lottery or increased raids and deportations against other immigrants like President Trump is trying to do.At the busy intersection, the protesters held signs and chanted demanding a clean Dream Act. Some signs also supported Salvadorans, Haitians and others for whom Trump has ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS), exposing hundreds of thousands of families to the threat of deportation. Some of the group’s signs also made pointed reference to Trump’s recent racist statement calling El Salvador, Haiti, and African countries “shithole countries.” Many passing cars honked and signaled their agreement with the anti-Trump and pro-immigrant message.The action was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and the Interracial Student Movement (ISM), as part of a series of efforts to pressure Congress to act now to pass a clean Dream Act.After protesting outside in the bitter cold for a half hour, the group went inside a popular Latino immigrant marketplace. There, American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Clyde Bellecourt spoke to the group, expressing support for immigrant youth. Bellecourt put the struggle in the context of European colonization of the Americas and the struggle of the indigenous peoples of the Americas for unity and justice, and emphasizing the importance of young people in leading the struggle forward.Then, in a visual and participatory action, the group shared balloons with messages supporting immigrant youth written on them with people in the marketplace. The organizers called on everybody to pop their balloons at the same time to symbolize that President Trump and Congress are trying to destroy young people’s dreams. Three organizers from the group spoke to the gathered crowd, sharing information with people about the struggle of DACA youth and the need for the community to get involved in the fight for a clean Dream Act.In September 2017, President Trump abruptly announced the end of DACA. A federal court ruling has temporarily forced the administration to keep DACA alive while court cases about it are still being heard. But this is a temporary situation, not a real solution. The need for action for immigrant youth is as urgent as ever. As soon as the court cases end, every day around 122 more immigrant youth will lose their legal status and face the threat of being deported and uprooted from the only life they have ever known. Having put 800,000 immigrant youth in jeopardy of deportation by ending DACA, President Trump and anti-immigrant Republicans in Congress are now cynically using these young immigrants as bargaining chips for their anti-immigrant agenda.Democrats in Congress have given lip service in support of immigrant youth, yet enough of them voted before the new year in support of the continuing resolution to fund the congressional budget for it to pass, temporarily keeping the government open until the fast-approaching Jan. 19 deadline. With that deadline upon us, another congressional vote on the budget is here, and the Republicans can’t pass it without some Democrats’ votes. So immigrant rights activists around the country are demanding that congressional Democrats turn their lip service into action and all vote no on passing any congressional budget unless a clean Dream Act is passed, even if that means a government shutdown. That is one of the strongest kinds of leverage they have to force a clean Dream Act through despite the opposition of anti-immigrant Republicans in Congress and the administration.

#MinneapolisMN #MIRAc #Immigration #DACA

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