Los Ángeles, CA – Day one of the Legalization for All (L4A) Network border delegation began today, April 1. Delegates of the trip included Drusie Cassanova from the Bay Area of California and Angel Naranjo from Chicago. Unfortunately, 12 delegates with MIRAC traveling from Minnesota were unable to join the first day due to flight delays but will unite with the delegation on day two in San Diego.
Los Angeles, CA – DACAmented youth, organizers of Centro Community Service Organization (CSO), public school teachers, parents, children, and others will be gathering at Mariachi Plaza in support of the continuation of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and for Legalization for All. Los Angeles has the highest concentration of DACA recipients in the country, which has allowed around 200,000 young immigrants and their children to live and work here for the past decade. An end to DACA would take away their protection from deportation and would tear families and our city apart.
San José, CA – “No ban! No wall! Legalization for all!” was heard at San José City Hall as about 20 people showed up on Saturday, August 27, to protest the possibility of the U.S. Supreme Court repealing DACA, which would affect nearly a million undocumented immigrants and their families in the United States.
Nogales, Sonora, Mexico – The second day of the Legalization for All Network delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border on March 31 was intense and emotional. The delegation divided into three groups for the day, which allowed them to gain a wider range of experiences.
Tucson, AZ – On March 30, the Legalization For All Network completed the first day of an immigrant rights delegation to Arizona and the U.S.-México border.
Minneapolis, MN – As national attention has focused on the caravan of Central American refugees winding its way through Mexico towards the U.S.-Mexico border, on November 30 more than 250 immigrants and human rights activists in Minnesota rallied in support of the caravan.
Tucson, AZ – Over 100 people chanted, “Troops off the border! Defy Trump’s order!” at the Davis-Monthan Air Force base on December 1. Signs reading “Refugees welcome here!” drew many honks of solidarity from traffic passing by the base entrance where demonstrators stood outside.
Prepares for large rally Saturday at Air Force base
Tucson, AZ – On November 27, in response to the U.S. government’s brutal use of rubber bullets and tear gas on demonstrators in Tijuana, three actions of solidarity took place in Tucson. One was at an elementary school where a class of children chanted “Solidarity now!” in a video shared on social media. Another was coordinated by a handful of “Ragin’ Grannies” outside Tucson High holding signs that read “Refugees welcome here!” A third action took place at the University of Arizona and had a turnout of over two dozen people. Their two huge banners read “No hate, no fear! Refugees welcome here!”
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Legalization for All (L4A) network.
On Friday, January 20, 2017 Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States. Trump ran a racist campaign, calling Mexicans “rapists, criminals, and drug dealers…” His plans for his first 100 days includes ending DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), deporting millions of undocumented, building a wall on the border with Mexico, further criminalizing the undocumented, cutting off Federal funds to sanctuary cities, and more attacks on immigrants. 70% of the undocumented are from Mexico and Central America, and these are the people that Trump is primarily targeting.
Tucson, AZ – The National 2016 MEChA conference is being held in the heart of the city of Tucson, Arizona on March 18-20. MEChA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, the Chicano student movement founded in 1969. Thousands are expected to meet for discussions and workshops on a variety of cultural, political and national struggles that affect the Chicano nation and other oppressed nationalities.
Los Angeles, CA – The Legalization for All Network (L4A) hosted a National Week of Action to demand an end to the jailing of Central American children, also known as ‘family detention.’ Starting on Nov. 2 and ending Nov. 8, protests in cities across the country demanded an “End to Family Detention” and “Not One More Deportation.”
Milwaukee, WI – Youth Empowered in the Struggle at Marquette University (YES-MU) hosted its third annual Immigration Awareness Week, Nov. 2 – 9, including a march and vigil demanding legalization for all. Students, faculty and community members participated in many events, with 40 students attending an Open Mic Night for Migrant Justice. During the week, two panel discussions prepared Marquette students for action: “Forced Migration” and “You May Say I’m a DREAMER”.