Milwaukee, WI – On the evening of June 18, a vigil was held for Oluwatoyin “Toyin” Salau, a 19-year-old student and activist from Tallahassee, Florida. Oluwatoyin (who was displaced due to unjust living conditions) was abducted by a man, assaulted and murdered earlier this week. Toyin had been out at Black Lives Matter protests in Tallahassee every day, fighting for justice for Tony McDade and other victims of police crimes.
Coalition to March on the RNC demands permits for August 27 rally
Jacksonville, FL – The Coalition to March on the RNC applied for permits from the city of Jacksonville, June 17, to hold a rally and march opposed to Donald Trump and the Republican National Convention.
Tampa, FL – On Monday, June 15, State Attorney Andrew Warren announced he would be dropping criminal cases against 67 protesters arrested in downtown Tampa on June 2.
Los Angeles, CA – On June 13, Centro CSO held a protest at the corner of Houston and Soto Streets in Boyle Heights, less than a block from where killer LAPD cop Frank Hernandez was caught on video brutally attacking Richard Castillo on April 27. Protesters demanded community control of the police and justice for George Floyd, Castillo and all victims of police terror.
Chicago, IL – Frank Chapman, Executive Director of the recently formed National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, today, June 15, called for immediate passage of legislation establishing democratic community control of the police in every city and town across the nation.
Jacksonville, FL – For the third Saturday in a row, June 13, thousands flooded the streets in downtown Jacksonville to demand police accountability and community control of the police, uniting with the National Alliance against Racist and Political Repression’s call for a day of action.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 3000 rallied on the Hennepin County Government Center Plaza, June 13, as people across the country rallied and marched against police crimes. The spirited rally was followed by a march through downtown streets.
Chicago, IL – Protesters demand the mass exoneration of everyone tortured and framed by Chicago cop Reynaldo Guevara. It was one of the three demonstrations that took place in Chicago, June 13. Cites across the U.S. participated in the National Day of Action to Stop Police Crimes called by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.
Milwaukee, WI – At noon on June 13, the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression joined with Youth Rising Up (YRU), a student organization from North Division High School in Milwaukee’s notorious 53206 zip code, to host a march and rally. The demonstration was in response to the National Alliance’s call for a day of action around community control of the police and justice for victims of police killing.
New York, NY – On Saturday, June 13, organizers in New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) joined the national day of action to stop police crimes that was called for by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.
Chicago, IL – Over 1000 marchers and 400 cars drove several miles through the Washington Park neighborhood of Chicago, June 12, to demand community control of the police. Hundreds of people came out of hair and nail salons, stepped out of homes, or came off of the sidewalk to chant and march as well. Cries of “Black lives matter” were alternated with “CPAC now!” CPAC is the Civilian Police Accountability Council, legislation in Chicago City Council which would establish control of the Chicago Police by the Black, Chicano/Mexicano and Puerto Rican neighborhoods in the city.
New York, NY – Tuesday evening, June 9, roughly 1000 New Yorkers gathered at City Hall for a rally and march organized by Justice Committee and the families of many of those killed by the NYPD. The rally featured a mix of speakers and cultural performances.
New Orleans, LA – The Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition (OPPRC) led a rally outside City Hall before the June 11 city council meeting. The week before, the New Orleans Police Department fired tear gas and rubber stinger rounds at protesters on a bridge 200 feet above the Mississippi River. In response, the rally demanded that the city defund and demilitarize the police.
Lansing, MI – Police brutality protests continue in both Lansing and East Lansing after the downtown march on May 31 but they are not the only challenge to police brutality based in the Lansing metropolitan area. Black Lives Matter-Lansing and One Love Global hosted a live “Call to Action” on Facebook and Eventbrite.
Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, June 11, 3200 protesters gathered at the Hennepin County Government Center demanding justice for George Floyd and real change. Protests had been going on daily, sometimes several per day, for 18 days since the police murder of George Floyd.
Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression hosted a rally, June 11 to demand justice for “Thee 3” (Alvin Cole, Jay Anderson, Jr. and Antonio Gonzales) and to advance the demand for a civilian police accountability council, or CPAC.
Los Angeles, CA – Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced the filing of charges on Los Angeles Police Department cop Frank Hernandez, June 9, for the brutal beating of local Chicano resident Richard Castillo. DA Lacey’s decision comes after video of the incident caused uproar in the community of Boyle Heights where the attack took place, leading to protests and a widely-circulated petition demanding the firing of Hernandez.
Demand community control of the police, and resignation of Chief Hall
Dallas, TX – On Saturday, June 6, about 5000 people rallied in 100-degree weather at Belo Garden Park across the street from the Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas, to demand justice for victims of police violence, community control of the police, and the resignation of Renee Hall, the chief of the Dallas Police Department.
Tampa, FL – On Monday, June 8, Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Tampa Bay Community Action Committee (TBCAC) led a crowd of around 500 on a march through the historic neighborhood of Ybor City to demand community control of the police in the Tampa Bay Area. The march ended at the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) building, where protesters demanded charges be dropped for the hundreds of protesters arrested by HCSO over recent weeks.