Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Loretta VanPelt

St. Paul, MN – Over 300 people gathered in here, August 10, in a show of solidarity with the people of Ferguson, Missouri and to remember the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown at the hands of the police.


By staff

Protesters outside Sheriff Stanek's office

Minneapolis, MN – On Dec. 19, MIRAc’s No More Deportations campaign and Occupy Homes MN joined together to protest deportations and evictions in Hennepin County. They demanded that Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek stop evicting people from their homes and stop cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to deport immigrants from the county jail.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – As JPMorgan Chase reaches a record $13 billion settlement with the Justice Department over its role in the lead-up to the foreclosure crisis, it remains unclear whether this settlement will keep people like Jaymie Kelly in their homes.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Oct. 8, 150 neighbors and community supporters successfully prevented the scheduled eviction of Jaymie Kelly, a Powderhorn community homeowner who has lived in her home for 30 years.


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Jaymie Kelly, a 30-year homeowner who faces imminent eviction at the hands of Freddie Mac, rallied with 40 neighbors at the U.S. Attorney's office here, Oct. 3, demanding a shutdown of federally financed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac evictions – which continue during the government shutdown as an ‘essential service.’


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Community members marched through downtown here, Aug. 19, demanding JPMorgan Chase Bank negotiate with the Ceballos and Kelly families, both of whom face imminent eviction after foreclosure.


By staff

Supporters of Ceballos family at the concert and rally.

Minneapolis, MN – About 250 community members gathered in the front yard of the Ceballos home, July 29, for a concert and rally to show support for the Ceballos family. The family, with the help of community supporters, fended off an eviction attempt by 30 sheriff deputies sent by JPMorgan Chase July 24. They expect another eviction attempt at any time.


By staff

Sheriffs surround the Ceballos home.

Minneapolis, MN – 75 community members turned back 30 sheriffs who were trying to evict people from the Ceballos home, July 24. Two home defenders were arrested in acts of civil disobedience.


By David Hungerford

Irvington, NJ – A municipal hearing on foreclosure was held here, July 10. The main emphasis was placed where it belongs: on the testimony of distressed homeowners themselves. The council chambers were packed.


By Evan Cross

Springfield, MA – Nearly 100 community members, many African American, Puerto Rican and Latino, answered a call to occupy and clean up a vacant home located at 280 Wilbraham Road on March 13. The call by Springfield No One Leaves/Nadie Se Mude and Arise for Social Justice is an attempt to gain homes for working-class people.