Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

As things stand, billionaire and bigot Donald Trump will be the Republican standard bearer for the presidency. In many ways he is a symbol of everything that is wrong with this country. He is a tireless promoter of racist anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim attacks. He is a misogynist, who defends the oppression of women. Trump spreads the gospel of ‘greed is good’ while pretending to be a friend of the working person. He is a right-wing populist with only one redeeming feature – that, barring some big change, he is unelectable.


By staff

Cleveland, OH – Organizers of the ‘Stop Trump’ march set for July 18, the opening day of Republican National Convention, held a press conference at City Hall, June 30, to press the demand that the city issue permits for the protest.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Galveston, TX – Students from Houston and Lufkin, Texas gathered on Galveston Island, May 22, to prepare for the Cleveland march on the Republican National Convention (RNC). On a beautiful sunny day, they got together on the beach and held a Trump piñata bash. Participants said one thing they don't like about Trump and then took a whack at the piñata. The SDS beach party was the first major activity organized by the group to prepare for its participation in the July 18 protest organized by the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC.

#GalvestonTX #DonaldTrump

By staff

Cleveland, OH – The anti-Trump rally that’s being organized by the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC on July 18, day one of the Republican National Convention (RNC), is gaining the backing of progressive organizations across the U.S.


By Gus Froemke

Chicago students shut down Trump campaign event

Minneapolis, MN – Donald Trump’s ascendance to international political notoriety has sent shockwaves through the Western world’s political powers. Trump’s rejection of the establishment’s norms of behavior and of what he terms “political correctness” is unbalancing bourgeoisie democratic values. On the international scene, Trump is recognized as a simple schoolyard bully who teases and assaults those who have any semblance of creative or individual thought. In Trump’s vision for America you better kneel before the god of ‘businessman’ bravado, hyper-patriotism, bigotry, and triumphalism or you’re not worthy of access to the playground.


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Milwaukee, WI – Hundreds of protesters are marching though the streets of downtown Milwaukee tonight, March 29, as a Town Hall meeting featuring Donald Trump and other GOP candidates gets underway amid a heavy police presence.


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Tucson, AZ – Protesters are gathering here, March 19, at a campaign rally of the right wing billionaire Donald Trump. More than 500 people have assembled to oppose Trump’s message of racism and reaction. Earlier today in Phoenix, protesters blockaded the road leading to a Trump rally.


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Salt Lake City, UT – A protest against presidential hopeful Donald Trump is taking place this evening, Mach 18, in Salt Lake City. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) is participating in the demonstration.


By staff

Chicago protest against Trump.

Minneapolis, MN – In the aftermath of the dramatic 5000-person protest that caused Trump to cancel his March 11 campaign appearance on the campus of the University of Illinois, Steff Yorek, the political secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, urged progressive activists around the U.S. to follow Chicago’s example.


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Chicago, IL – With more than 5000 protesters rallying outside, and hundreds inside, Donald Trump canceled his campaign event tonight, March 11, on the campus of the University of Illinois. Community groups, including the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, joined the demonstration.

#ChicagoIL #AntiwarMovement #ImmigrantRights #Labor #OppressedNationalities #WomensMovement #UniversityOfIllinoisChicagoUIC #Antiracism #Elections #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump