Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Bryn Dayton

Salt Lake City, UT – More than 70 people rallied in downtown Salt Lake City, October 27, to protest Trump’s proposed policies that would erase protections for transgender and non-binary individuals. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Utah organized the event, in conjunction with other protests by SDS chapters around the country.


By Cassandra Swart

Dallas, TX -On October 28, about 50 people showed up at Belo Garden Park across from the federal building in Downtown Dallas to protest against the Trump administration's rollback of the rights of transgender people. The protest was held by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The event began with a rally, followed by speeches and then a march.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Jacksonville District

Jacksonville, FL – On November 6, Floridians will vote on 12 amendments to the state constitution. Some of these amendments would have a far greater impact on the working-class and oppressed communities of this state than others. Several reached the ballot by citizens’ petition, while others were added by Governor Rick Scott’s majority-appointed Florida Constitutional Revision Commission, which met in 2017.


By Gage Lacharite

Tampa SDS protest against attacks on trans rights.

Tampa, FL – More than 50 Tampa area students and community activists gathered at the University of South Florida’s MLK Plaza, October 24, for a rally against Trump’s attacks on transgender rights. The protest was organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By staff

FRSO Political Secretary Steff Yorek speaking at Washington DC rally against Tru

Minneapolis, MN – Steff Yorek, the Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, sharply condemned the Trump administration, October 22, for orchestrating attacks on the democratic rights of transgender people.


By Fight Back

Workers on picket line in Kentucky.

Tampa, FL – A recent ruling of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) said that janitors who were picketing for better working conditions were not protected from unfair labor practices committed by their employer. The Board ruled that the janitors, who were being contracted by a building management company, were engaged in secondary picketing. With a Trump-appointed NLRB, workers fighting for rights on the job will be facing new challenges.


By Cassia Laham

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Fort Lauderdale, FL – Award-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has never been one to hold his tongue or shy away from even the most powerful figures. His films and articles often offer illuminating and entertaining critiques of American society, economics, and politics. Fahrenheit 11/9 is no exception. Moore’s newest film takes viewers on an exciting yet terrifying ride through the current American political landscape, and ends by placing viewers behind the wheel.


By Fight Back! Editors

On, Sept. 30, Canada agreed to changes in NAFTA pushed by the Trump administration following an earlier agreement by Mexico. The New NAFTA still needs to be approved by the legislators of all three countries, and a vote is not expected in the U.S. Congress until early next year. Wall Street seemed satisfied with the agreement, with most U.S. stock market indices going up the next day.


By staff

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Denver, CO – On October 4, Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) joined a nationwide protest against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which is scheduled for Saturday. The students gathered at the Auraria campus with signs reading, “Cancel Kavanaugh,” “Convict Kavanaugh” and “Stand with survivors.” Members also chalked the sidewalk with the same slogans, which remained long after the protest ended.


By Chrisley Carpio

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Tampa, FL – On October 4, over 20 students protested at the University of South Florida against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Students denounced the Trump administration for the mishandling of the accusations against Kavanaugh, their rushed FBI investigation, and Trump’s mocking and blatant disrespect for Christine Blasey Ford, one of the survivors. Protesters were also disgusted by the blatant rape apologism demonstrated by prominent Senate Republicans, such as Lindsey Graham.