Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Activists weighing lawsuit against cops

Lead banner in 2012 march on the RNC in Tampa.

Tampa, FL – According to an August 3 report in the Tampa Bay Times, Major Marc Hamlin, the head of Special Operations for the Tampa Police Department, is boasting about the political spying carried out at the 2012 Republican National Convention.


By staff

Activists weighing lawsuit against cops

Lead banner in 2012 march on the RNC in Tampa.

Tampa, FL – According to an August 3 report in the Tampa Bay Times, Major Marc Hamlin, the head of Special Operations for the Tampa Police Department, is boasting about the political spying carried out at the 2012 Republican National Convention.


By staff

Lead banner in march on the RNC

Tampa, FL – Over 1000 people rallied and marched in the streets of Tampa, August 27, to demand good jobs, affordable education, healthcare, equality and peace. Although the Republicans canceled the first day of their convention due to Tropical Storm Isaac, organizers with the Coalition to March on the RNC went through with their promise to march to the site of the convention to show their opposition to the agenda of the 1%.


By staff

Tampa, FL- Though the weather has delayed the opening of the Republican National Convention, the organizers for the Coalition to March on the RNC have stated that they will go forward with their plans to rally Monday morning for good jobs, healthcare, affordable education, equality, and peace. Coalition leaders urge everyone to join the march at Perry Harvey, Sr. Park at 10 am.


By Corey Uhl

Tampa, FL – Final build up is underway for the upcoming August 27 march on the RNC.


By staff

Joe Iosbaker urges peace movement to join march on the RNC.

Tampa, FL – Joe Iosbaker, a spokesperson for the largest anti-war coalition in the U.S., the United National Antiwar Coalition, spoke at a press conference here, August 24, stating that the peace movement will be joining the mass march on the Republican National Convention. “The Republicans have never met a war they didn’t like,” said Iosbaker. “They support all the wars the U.S. government is waging right now. We are going to march on the RNC and say no to the wars being waged on behalf of the 1%.”


By Corey Uhl

Tampa, FL – Organizers for the Coalition to March on the RNC gathered for a press conference here, at Perry Harvey Senior Park, August 22 to give an update on their preparations for the August 27 march on the Republican National Convention. The press conference included speakers from organizations participating in the protest, along with several dozen members of local and international media.


By staff

Tampa, FL – Immigrant rights organizations will join the massive August 27 march organized by the Coalition to March on the RNC. On August 27, Students Working for Equal Rights and the Student Farmworker Alliance will be joined by other immigrant rights groups to say, no to the bigotry of the Republican agenda and the parties of the 1%. The protest also has the backing of Proyecto Dignidad (Gainesville) and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Acton Committee.


By staff

Jared Hamil speaking at August 15 press conference on RNC protest.

Tampa, FL – Standing in front of a wall of TV cameras and reporters, organizers from Coalition to March on the RNC spoke at a press conference here, August 14, giving important updates on the plans for the massive August 27 march that will coincide with the opening day of the Republican National Convention.