Second in a series: The debt ceiling debate
The House Republican proposal to “Cut, Cap, and Balance”
This is the second in a series. See parts one, three, four and five.
News and Views from the People's Struggle
The House Republican proposal to “Cut, Cap, and Balance”
This is the second in a series. See parts one, three, four and five.
San José, CA – On July 8, the U.S. Department of Labor released its report on unemployment and new job creation for the month June. The report said that the unemployment rate rose for the third month in a row to 9.2%, while only 18,000 new jobs were created. The job creation was much worse than most mainstream economists expected, and was less than one-tenth as many new jobs as in February, March and April. The number of new jobs created in May was revised down from a weak 54,000 to an even worse 25,000.
Minneapolis, MN – The framework agreement reached by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and Republican politicians is a victory for big corporations and Minnesota’s wealthy. For the rest of us, it is a setback. It is the opposite of what a progressive solution to the state budget crisis should be. The Republican shutdown of state government appears to be ending with a Republican solution to the budget short fall – the burden of the crisis will be shifted onto the backs poor and working people. Again.
St. Paul, MN – On July 13, members of the Welfare Rights Committee rolled out a huge banner on the steps of the Minnesota state capitol building. The Republicans have pushed the state into a shutdown, throwing more than 22,000 state employees out of work and causing dramatic cuts to state services. The banner reads, “Tax the rich! No cuts to poor and working people!”
#SaintPaulMN #CapitalismAndEconomy #PoorPeoplesMovements #TaxTheRich #GovernorMarkDayton #governmentShutdown
Commentary by Masao Suzuki
On June 21, the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Ben Bernanke, gave a very downbeat report on the U.S. economy following a two day meeting of the Fed. Bernanke, who is also a professor of economics, admitted that he didn’t have a good explanation for why economic growth in the United States was so weak and the unemployment rate stuck at about 9%. But Marxist political economy does have an explanation: that economic stagnation is a natural outcome of a capitalist economy.
A Commentary on Growing Economic Inequality
On June 19th the *Washington Post* published “With Executive Pay, Rich Pull Away from Rest of America” by Peter Whoriskey. This very informative article connected the rise in corporate executive’s pay with the growing economic inequality in the United States, using the example of a large U.S. dairy company combined with recent research by economists on high incomes. At the same time the article only offered very vague explanations for *why* the rich are winning out at the expense of almost everyone else.
Chicago, IL – Over 3000 teachers, healthcare workers, janitors and community activists descended on the corporate leaders meeting here, June 14 outside the Midwest CEO/CFO conference. The protesters demanded jobs, homes and schools.
San José, CA – In the first week of June, two important reports showed a sharp slowdown in the U.S. economy. On Friday, June 3, the Department of Labor said that unemployment in May rose to 9.1%, while only 54,000 new jobs were created, far less than what mainstream economists were predicting. Two days earlier, on June 1, a report on home prices showed another drop of 4.2% in the first three months of 2011, bringing home pric