Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Iran’s Fars News Agency reported Jan. 2 that the Iranian Army successful captured two more U.S.-made drones – one in 2011 and another a few months ago.


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Anti-war protest in Chicago

Chicago, IL – As the first winter storm of the season arrived here, Dec. 20, 20 hearty souls stood outside the Boeing Company headquarters by the Chicago River, carrying signs opposing war.


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Boeing made Scan Eagle drone

Chicago, IL – A spy drone made in the U.S. by Boeing Corporation was captured by Iran after violating their air space. Called a Scan Eagle, it was displayed on Iranian television as evidence that the U.S. government is making moves toward war with Iran.


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Marching in solidarity with Gaza

Minneapolis, MN – 100 people rallied here, Nov. 24, despite frigid temperatures, to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza. “While it is good that there is a cease fire in Gaza, it is important to be here today because we need to protest the Israeli occupation itself because until Palestine is free there will be more offensives like Operation Pillar. As the U.S. anti-war movement we need to keep demanding an end to U.S. military aid because U.S. money is driving and financing the Israeli occupation,” said the Anti-War Committee’s Meredith Aby in her speech to the crowd.


By Jess Sundin

Protesting in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

St. Paul, MN – More than 100 rallied here Nov. 16 to protest Israel’s attack on Gaza, which has been escalating since it began two days earlier. Protesters lined one of the busiest intersections in Saint Paul, at Summit and Snelling Avenues. The carried Palestinian flags and banners and signs in solidarity with Palestine and in opposition to U.S. support for Israel.


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Protesters demand U.S. out of Afghanistan.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 60 people joined a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul on Sept. 19 to mark 4000 days since the start of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.


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Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression at Twin Cities LGBT Pride

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression (MNCSFR) and the Anti-War Committee passed out leaflets and stickers at the Twin Cities Pride Festival here, June 23, to build opposition to FBI repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.


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Minneapolis, MN – This coming weekend, Minnesotans will fill two buses headed for Chicago to participate in an anti-war march and rally outside the NATO summit meeting on Sunday, May 20.


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Joe Iosbaker speaking at fundraising event for buses to anti-NATO protest.

Minneapolis, MN – On April 16, the Minnesota Anti-War Committee hosted Joe Iosbaker, one of the principle organizers of the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8), in the Twin Cities. CANG8 is organizing a massive protest in Chicago May 20, at the opening of the NATO Summit.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands U.S. out of Afghanistan

Minneapolis, MN – Several Twin Cities anti-war organizations held an emergency protest on here, March 17, in response to the murder of 16 Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier. The protest, in the West Bank neighborhood of Minneapolis, was organized under the call, “End the U.S. War in Afghanistan now!”