Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Chicago students march in solidarity with Palestine.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Chicago, IL – On Thursday, September 12, New Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at UIC and a host of other student and progressive organizations participated in a National Day of Action called for by National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

The Progressive Student Coalition at UIC had coalition members speak for their respective organizations at the protest including Students for a Revolutionary Union (SRU), SJP, Anakbayan, and SDS.

The group of about 50 students demanded Israel withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza and that the U.S. government stop funding the genocidal apartheid state of Israel. They also supported the demands of SJP at UIC to get the university to divest from Israel and cut ties with Israeli institutions.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following September 21 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and all revolutionary forces condemn the U.S. government and military for reneging on its earlier declaration to withdraw its Typhon missile system from the Philippines by September. The CPP also condemns Marcos and his defense officials for making excuses for the U.S.’ failure to keep its promise.


By Wyatt Miller

Thousands of small, seemingly innocuous devices, exploding in the hands and pockets of Israel’s enemies. Tuesday and Wednesday’s bombing attacks across Lebanon have been hailed by Zionists as a crushing blow to Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah, an intelligence coup that one viral tweet called “biblical” in scale and sophistication.

But while the attacks certainly showed cunning, an analysis of their targets, objectives and likely effects reveals not sophistication but a crude logic of collective punishment, common to flailing colonial regimes.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network on Telegram.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) affirmed that the arrest of national activist comrade Abla Sa’adat, wife of the imprisoned Secretary-General and leader comrade Ahmad Sa’adat, constitutes a new zionist crime added to the long list of crimes committed by the occupation against our people.


By staff

Brooklyn, NY – When the New York University Students for a Democratic Society (NYU SDS) held their first meeting of the semester on September 6, an NYPD officer with several others from the counterterrorism unit walked up to members in an attempt to intimidate them.

When members arrived to set up for their meeting, they saw an extensive NYPD and NYU Campus Security presence. When asked by an SDS member if NYU called them to arrive at the scene, the officer claimed they were just there coincidentally. Yet, right after the NYPD walked up to SDS, NYU campus security arrived to also confront SDS.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization - New York District

There’s a new top cop in New York City. On Thursday, September 12, former NYPD captain and current NYC Mayor Eric Adams appointed Thomas Donlon as the new interim head of the NYPD. Donlon is a former FBI agent who specializes in counterintelligence and “counterterrorism.” His appointment signals a worrying turning point in the rising tide of political repression, particularly against activists engaged in the Palestinian liberation movement and in national liberation struggles generally.

Thomas Donlon replaces former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban, who resigned earlier the same day on September 12, amidst an ongoing federal investigation into corruption among top NYPD officials.


By Omari Hoover

Twin Cities protest marks the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre.  | Ashley Taylor-Gouge/Watch Me Rise MPLS

Minneapolis, MN – On September 16, the Minnesota Anti-War Committee held a rally in remembrance of those killed during the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre. About 100 people rallied to project a message of solidarity with Palestine.

The Sabra and Shatila massacre was one of the most brutal massacres that Israel should be held accountable for. Between 2000-3500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians were killed in refugee camps outside of Beirut. The massacre occurred between September 16-18, 1982.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the Israeli occupation for the abduction of Abla Sa’adat from her home in the West Bank. Abla Sa’adat is a steadfast opponent of apartheid Israel and the wife of Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

As resistance has intensified, so has repression. Israel currently holds about 10,000 Palestinians in prison, many without charges or anything resembling due process. Israeli prisons are hellscapes where torture is routine and the murder of prisoners by their jailers is commonplace. Zionist newspapers quote Israeli politicians calling for mass executions of those being held, and yet have the nerve to boast of their “values and morality.”


By Paul Nelson

Denver protest against the U.S. occupation in Korea.  | Staff/Fight Back! News

Denver, CO – On Saturday, September 14, 30 people from Denver and Aurora met at James Bible Park in Denver, Colorado to oppose the U,S. occupation of Korea. A striking banner at the rally read “U.S. out of Korea! End the War Economy!”

This action was organized in solidarity with Nodutdol’s “U.S. Out of Korea” campaign. The energy of Nodutdol’s campaign can was felt those who gathered for the rally. Opposing the rising tensions of war from the continued sanctions on North Korea and U.S. war games is a priority for anti-imperialist groups.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Utah Students for a Democratic Society.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the University of Utah called the police to stop and detain several queer students who were drawing with washable sidewalk chalk on the concrete walkway by Gardner Commons to promote an approved queer pool party taking place at the Student Life Center the upcoming Saturday. These students were not properly informed that over the summer, the University of Utah changed its policy on “Signs, Literature, and Structures‌” to say that: “Messages or slogans of any kind shall not be painted or otherwise written on trees, buildings, sidewalks, grounds fountains, walls or other University structures or surfaces, or on the personal property of others”. Prior to this semester, chalking’s were a familiar phenomenon on campus. Why has this policy changed to further repress LGBTQ+ student speech?

Additionally, Utah SDS received an email threatening our club for posting flyers on campus outside of “approved posting areas,” despite the fact that other stickers and signage remain posted in the same places. On the other hand, our flyers calling students to exercise their democratic rights to protest, meet, and organize for Palestine, were torn down. This selective enforcement of rules is designed to intimidate the student and Palestinian movement, and Utah SDS condemns these antidemocratic attacks on our right to organize. We will not be told how we will meet, organize, and educate our fellow students on the grounds of our own campus, especially when it comes to a genocide. We call on the students and youth of Utah to defy this repression, join SDS and stand up for their right to speak and organize on their campus.

The exciting, dynamic upsurge in the student movement has been met with vicious political repression in Utah and across the country. Last spring, students encamped on the lawns of their campuses demanding an end to military profiteering and investment in Israel’s genocide were met with arrests and tear gas. From coast to coast, university administrators refuse to hear the demands of students, youth, and campus workers for divestment, diversity in education, and funding for student needs. Repression is a sign that the movement is growing and winning, and calls for more student organizing, not less. Students and youth of Utah, stand strong! We must stand together for our right to speak and protest!

Hands off the student movement!

Cops out of our protests!

President Randall, respect our right to organize!

#UT #StudentMovement #SDS #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #FreeSpeech #PoliticalRepression #Statement