Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

March against NATO in Washington DC.

Washington DC – Hundreds of people gathered in Lafayette Square, a park opposite the White House, March 30, to respond to the call to action against NATO, racism and war. The organizers also strongly emphasized the slogan “Hands off Venezuela” to protest the Trump administration and NATO’s attempts to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Nicolás Maduro.


By Tom Burke

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Washington D.C. – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is building for a rally and march against U.S. wars and racism in Washington D.C. this Saturday, March 30.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

The Committee to Stop FBI Repression strongly supports Rasmea Odeh’s right to speak in Berlin about the Palestinian liberation struggle. We stand with the many other organizations who condemn the German, Israeli, and U.S. governments’ attacks on Rasmea and their attempts to silence her by revoking her visa and prohibiting her from political activity ( see article about the March 15 incident).


By Kent Mori

Meredith Aby-Keirstead

Minneapolis, MN – On March 15, 30 protesters gathered in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Minneapolis office to condemn her support for the Trump administration policy of regime change in Venezuela and support of U.S. aid to Israel. Since Klobuchar has kicked off her presidential campaign, the Twin Cities anti-war movement has responded by holding multiple protests, including a picket at her presidential announcement at Boom Island, to draw attention to the senator’s long record of voting for military aid and U.S. intervention.


By staff

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New York, NY – An emergency action was held at the Venezuelan Consulate in New York City, March 18, after news broke that supporters of the Venezuelan coup were let into Consulate by the State Department. One of the participants was live-tweeting the takeover, claiming that they “assumed control” of the Consulate.


By Autumn Lake

Sean Orr.

Minneapolis, MN – On March 17, 50 people filled Mayday Books to hear Sean Orr, a Latin America solidarity activist, trade unionist, and member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), speak about the current crisis facing Venezuela. In a presentation entitled, “The U.S. Orchestrated Coup in Venezuela: A Marxist Perspective,” Orr highlighted the leading role of the United States in the destabilization of Venezuela as well as its efforts to foment regime change.


By staff

Delegation of U.S. Peace Council meets with President Maduro

Caracas, Venezuela – The U.S. Peace Council delegation to Venezuelan met with President Maduro for several hours at the Presidential Palace, March 15. President Maduro told the anti-war organizers that the U.S. attack on the electrical system was delivered three ways: a cyber-attack to the main brain of the system which was made in Houston, electromagnetically, and with explosions at two other stations. The system is now almost fully up again.


By staff

U.S. Peace Council delegation in Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela – A U.S. Peace Council Delegation of 13 people representing anti-war organizations from the United States and Canada arrived in Venezuela this week on a solidarity mission with the Venezuelan people and the Maduro government at a time of unprecedented attacks by the U.S. The latest is a cyber-attack and sabotage of the entire electrical system, which resulted in a total blackout of the country with the aim of provoking the people to rise up against their government. Despite the hardships of no electricity and water, this attack failed as people rallied around their government and the gains of the Bolivarian revolution. As of Wednesday, March 13, 75% of the power has been restored and by Monday it will be fully restored.

#CaracasVenezuela #Caracas #AntiwarMovement #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #NicolásMaduro #Americas

By Autumn Lake

Katrina Kozarek.

Minneapolis, MN – On March 10, 30 people gathered at Mayday Books for a program presented by Katrina Kozarek, a longtime Venezuela resident and an audiovisual reporter for In the presentation entitled “Eyewitness in Venezuela,” Kozarek detailed the grassroots people’s movements that created the current political infrastructure in Venezuela, as well as the current threat to Venezuelan sovereignty posed by the United States.


By Sean Orr

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Chicago, IL – “The most vile, criminal, cruel and dirty attack that has ever been committed against the people of Venezuela,” – this is how President Nicolás Maduro described the attack on the country's electrical grid, which cut electricity to 90% of its population on March 7. Five days later, power has been restored to most major cities, but much work needs to be done to fully restore the national grid.