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San Francisco protest: Oust Duterte! Stop the killings in the Philippines!

By Masao Suzuki

San Francisco protest demands end to Duterte regime. San Francisco protest demands end to Duterte regime. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

San Francisco, CA – On July 22, more than 300 people packed the street in front of the Philippine consulate in San Francisco. Chants of “People power now!” and “No justice, no peace! Stop the killings in the Philippines!” rang out as protestors called for the ousting of Philippine President Duterte, who has killed thousands in his so-called ‘war on drugs.’ The occasion was the “Peoples’ SONA” on the occasion of the official State of the Nation Address given by the Philippine president each year.

Speakers from the BAYAN/Anakbayan of San Francisco, Migrante, and other organizations including the Arab Resource and Organizing Committee and the National Lawyers Guild spoke out against the Duterte and U.S. military aid to his regime. Included in the program was a professor from San Francisco State University, Reverends Sadie Stone and Michael Yoshi, and former elected official Rodel Rodis.

People waved flags reading “Oust Duterte” and “Stop the killing in the Philippines” along with banners representing PAWIS, MIGRANTE, Gabriella, BAYAN, and Anakbayan. In a daring action, activists hung a huge banner saying “Oust Duterte, stop the killing in the Philippines” above the door of the Philippine Consulate.

The Hip-hop artist Bambu fired up the crowd and ended by saying “Take it beyond social media – take it to the streets – that is how change is made!” to the roaring approval of the crowd.

After the action at the Philippine Consulate, the protest moved two blocks to Union Square, where it ended with organizers taking a group photo. The protest was organized by Malaya, and was one of eight protests in cities across the United States including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon; Houston and Washington, DC.

#SanFranciscoCA #OppressedNationalities #Philippines #Asia #PeoplesStruggles #AsianNationalities #ANAKBAYAN #RodrigoDuterte #Migrante

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