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Occupation to stop Minneapolis home foreclosure underway

By Sarah Martin

Minneapolis, MN – 150 people chanted “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out!” Nov. 8, at a rally to begin an occupation in support of North Minneapolis home owner, Monique White. White, who lives at 3310 N 6th St, is facing imminent eviction from her foreclosed home. The house and fence around it were hung with banners and signs saying, “Housing is a Human Right”, “25,673 Foreclosures in MN: US Bank Corp CEO Richard Davis 18.8 million dollar/yr salary”, “Foreclose Free Zone.” Six tents were set up in the yard for occupiers to spend the night.

The occupation is organized and endorsed by members of SEIU and other sectors, including churches, community organizations and activists at OccupyMN.

Monique White has lived in her home and worked in the community for the last eight years. Helping her buy her home is the last thing her father did before he died. One year ago she was laid off from her job at a group home because it was de-funded by the state due to the budget crisis. Although she has a part time job, she fell behind in her house payments to US Bank Corp. They have been unwilling to work with her. According to the greedy bank’s last financial report, they made $1.2 billion. At the same time, 393 homes in Hennepin County went into foreclosure.

Mel Reeves reminded the crowd, “During the time I have been speaking, 7 more families in the U.S. went into foreclosure.

Nick Espinosa, an organizer of the occupation, said, “We are not leaving until they negotiate.”

Nick Muhamud, from the North Side said, “These are the moments the 1% dread – look around you – when the people of all races and ages come together to fight back.”

A small contingent will be on alert at the house 24/7 and when and if the sheriff comes an emergency call will go to come to White’s home to protect it.

The event ended with a spirited march through the neighborhood.

#MinneapolisMN #Foreclosures #HousingStruggles #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN

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