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Minneapolis Teamsters mobilize for two days of rallies and practice picketing

By staff

Minnesota Teamsters are getting ready to strike UPS.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 29 and 30, over 80 members of International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 638 participated in a series of parking lot rallies and practice pickets at the Broadway Street UPS hub in Minneapolis. The actions were driven by the rank-and-file efforts of the hub’s Teamster Contract Action Team, and were organized for every shift.

With the UPS-Teamster contract set to expire on August 1, Teamsters in Minnesota and across the country have intensified shop floor organizing in preparation for a strike. Meanwhile in Washington DC at the bargaining table, faced with an economic proposal which IBT President Sean O’Brien has called insulting, O’Brien and the national bargaining committee officially demanded that UPS put it’s its last, best, and final offer across the table no later than June 30.

With negotiations intensifying, Minneapolis Teamsters showed their support from the street corners with picket signs and chants. Speaking at Friday morning’s practice picket, Eric Dorland, a 22.4 combination driver explained the importance of rank-and-file Teamsters mobilizing for actions: “When UPS disrespects us at the bargaining table, we need to show them we’re ready to fight at every hub in the country. We make this company run and if UPS isn’t willing to pay up, we’re ready to shut this shit down”.

In solidarity with rallying UPS Teamsters, members of Minnesota Workers United (MWU), a local grassroots labor solidarity organization, attended the Friday morning practice pickets. Deb Konechne, a member of MWU and the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 34 at Hennepin County, stated “We think it's crucial to stand in solidarity with the Teamsters in this contract struggle, especially if it comes to a strike.”

After two days of successful actions, Local 638 Teamsters are set to continue the pressure on UPS with weekly rallies planned until contract expiration.

#MinneapolisMN #Teamsters